Hi everyone from Halla, my story so far

Halla Member Posts: 185
edited April 2021 in Newly diagnosed
Hi, 2 days ago I had a lumpectomy of 3 lumps and a sentinel node. The lumps were found 2 weeks ago. I went to the GP with some mild sensitivity under my arm. It was very subtle, but it hurt a bit if I pressed into the skin. Neither of us could feel any lumps but she sent me for a contrast mammo and u/s to check. Took a month to get in for the tests.  Since then it’s been a whirlwind of unpleasant pokings and proddings. 

Biopsy showed ER and PR positive, HER negative. 1 lump invasive ductal, 1 lump invasive ductal mucinous and 1 lump not able to be biopsied. They could see it on mri but not on ultrasound. Lymph node lump benign.

all lumps between 1.5 and 4cm dimensions.

Surgery was day, did not stay overnight because of no beds because of backlog due to lockdowns.

So I’m at home, pain isn’t too bad and I can walk around with my breast cushion under my arm. I’m taking antibiotics and Panadol every 6 hours. I have taken one oxycodone but it gave me a massive headache. 

Monday I find out whether they got clear margins or not. Fingers crossed.


  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    Hello @Halla 🙂. 
    Sorry you’re here, but happy the surgery is done and the node is clear 🎉. Really hoping the margins are clear so you don’t need more surgery 🤞. 
    I also had three lumps, two were biopsied and third one was also too small. But I had another in the other breast too. Largest was 1.5cm, same type as yours. The MRI showed a lot more changes so I had a nipple sparing DMX with expanders inserted for further reconstruction. Skipped chemo, did radiation. 
    Hope you don’t need further treatment. 
    This is mentally and emotionally very draining as well, so keep in touch here if you need support in any way ♥️
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    Youch that sounds like a big surgery FLclover! When did you have that? Have you recovered yet? Have you had your reconstruction yet?  Yes I’m really hoping I don’t have to have more surgery too, but time will tell...at this stage my right breast is clear on the MRI
  • PV123
    PV123 Member Posts: 202
    Hi @Halla

    Fingers crossed you have clear margins, I stayed overnight at the hospital after the lumpectomy but did not have much pain afterwards.  Good luck with your treatment.
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    Thank you PV123! 
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    Yes, it was a big surgery, but luckily I recovered from it pretty well and pretty quickly 😊. It was 1st April last year. I still have the expanders in as I had radiation and am waiting for some time to go so they have a chance to heal. Radiation can cause problem for implants, so I’m hoping they’ll heal properly first. 
    Great news that your right breast is clear 👌🏻😊
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Good luck @Halla. :)
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    Thanks @Dory65 🙏🏻🙏🏻
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear @Halla,

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 983
    Hi halla hope you are starting to recover and feel a bit better. Hope you had good results 
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    Thank you Locksley, sentinel node and all margins clear! A lot of tumours removed though and one LCIS so now I will do genetic testing before radiation.
  • ChezaH
    ChezaH Member Posts: 549
    Hi Halla  All the best for your recovery
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    Thank you so much @ChezaH
  • Potter_21
    Potter_21 Member Posts: 11
    Great news Halla! My margins were  clear as were my lymph nodes. So also great news! 
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    Excellent news @Potter_21! Are you feeling relieved?

    TBH I’m still feeling pretty anxious about the future 😬
  • Potter_21
    Potter_21 Member Posts: 11
    I  totally get what you're saying Halla.