Ongoing nausea 9 weeks after chemo

Member Posts: 22 ✭
Hi all, I hope someone can reassure me. I had a lot of nausea with chemo and am still sick 9 weeks later. My doctors say my insides just need to heal. Can this be right? Have been on Maxalon and Ondansetron for months with little effect. Can hardly eat, living on Sustagen drinks. Feeling quite low.
Hi @LizetteH,
I didnt have the same specific problem you are experiencing but i did have lingering gut issues. For me i had oral thrush for quite a while after chemo finished - so annoying. Think i had it during chemo for 2 months and then 5 weeks after. Some people are more sensitive in the gut area and have propensity for it.
My dietician said that i needed to heal my gut and said 20g of protein 4 times a day would help. I also tried that yoghurt drink with kefir (blueberry one) and found it tolerable. You could try that.
It does sound like its lingering a bit so keep at drs if you are not getting better. Ive been told it can take 6 months to feel right after treatment.
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Chemo, unfortunately, is a big stick that does not discriminate and knocks out gut bugs that we really do need while punishing those rogue cells that we really don't want. It took me a very, very long time to feel like my insides were functioning in any competent manner after my last treatment.
Advice to see a dietician is good. Particularly if you find one who has experience with folk in your situation.
Part of the problem with probiotics is that they don't do anything for the flora in your lower bowel. There is some argument that they do anything much at all, but it doesn't hurt to try.
I actually got to the point of considering a fecal transplant. I didn't pursue it as everything I read made the whole process sound a bit dodgy as its not a procedure endorsed in the mainstream health system following cancer treatment.
In the end I was OK enough that my innards weren't a daily obsession, but it took a long time. Hang in there and make sure your medical team is aware of your problems. Even if they don't do much to help, this stuff needs to be recorded.1 -
@LizetteH There are so many things about survivorship and ongoing recovery which we don't imagine having to deal with when we first get thrown into the BC mincer. The narrative is all about getting though our treatment and, brutal as that can be, the stuff that comes afterwards can be so much more challenging as there is no time frame and often no support. Hang in there. Mxx
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Hi there @LizetteH...I'm sorry you're having such a tough time still. I was hospitalised for a total of 56 days over the 12 week period of AC chemo due to severe side effects. I was seen by a specialist oncology dietitian as I had lost so much weight. She told me to try and eat or drink anything that didn't make me feel ill at the very thought of it. Her words to me were "If you see a kilojoule, catch it and eat it". She told me that dietitians normally tried to steer patients away from fruit juice or flavoured milks, Milo, Horlicks and so on, but that she didn't want me to put anything into my mouth, liquid or solid, that didn't pack an energy punch. She told me to try what would have been called an "invalid" diet from a generation ago. Things like baked bread and butter puddings with added raisins and made with either evaporated milk or sustagen and a few eggs.. Also good old jelly and ice cream. She told me that the gelatin in the jelly was very soothing for an inflamed gut. She said to steer clear of fried foods, but that if a fried dish appealed, then go right ahead. She told me not to worry too much about the quality of the food at that time, but just to work on small meals often. She recommended a "grazing" sort of behavior, rather than a set three meals in quantity. She also recommended for me to keep a small bowl of grated cheese next to me to nibble on...fat, calcium and kilojoules. I was also told that if I could face eating fish, to eat from the S.M.A.S.H variety...that is Sardines, Mackarel, Anchovies,Salmon and Herring. The itty bitty bones in them ensured a good calcium source. At home, I dug up some of my old recipe books and made all sorts of baked puddings as above, such as semolina, bread and butter, baked upside down pudding with pears and so on. I hope thing turn the corner for you soon. Ally.2