Gratitude, appreciation, thanks

Beryl C.
Beryl C. Member Posts: 270
I feel I must express my thanks for the 'little' (actually highly significant) moments of feeling connected and 'normal. I've had two very tough years with the undiagnosed  need of a right hip replacement, rheumatoid arthritis, and severely tender and painful feet (no medications over a seven year period have helped at all). I have a walker which helps. Three weekly infusions have been going on for nine years.  For the last 12mths I have relied on my husband to do the shopping, take me shopping, get to the hospital, visit friends and family etc. Bit rough for someone who has always been highly motivated and probably a bit too independent.
Recently, following my fifth recurrence in nine years, I was put on some new drugs and some things have improved. Yesterday I drove to a large shopping mall and walked the entire complex. Made me realise how isolated life has been. So, to get to the purpose of my post I want to thank with the deepest appreciation - the little girl in the lift who 'twirled' in her new fairy dress even though she looked at me as though I was quite mad; the young barista who was so good looking and gave the most stunning smile when I thanked him for 'great' coffee, the shop assistant who seemed interested in hearing about my son who lives overseas - her eyes did not glaze over once, the two young women in the newsagent who helped me to select a diary that would fit in my handbag and I've no idea why we giggled so much, the man in the luggage shop who seemed to appreciate my attempt at encouraging his wife to buy the beige bag because the blue one said 'picnic' and the very young shop assistant who took me to the staff rest rooms thus avoiding a trip in the lift to a lower floor.  I became aware that I was starting up conversations with complete strangers with a response from most and actually felt a bit self conscious, but .......... I was with people! I was independent! I did my shopping in my time! Created my own schedule! Had coffee where and when I wanted to! Had a great time - I FELT GOOD! So, thanks and gratitude to complete strangers - yesterday you made a difference!


  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,469
    Hi Beryl C, Your shopping trip sounds much like my usual ones. It was great you were able to enjoy it. Getting out, doing your own thing and not be hampered by pain is awesome. I often get the same responses as you but occasionally get one grumpy after the other which is a bit of a downer but there is always at least a couple positive people on my journeys.Well done you!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Hi @Beryl C. ... great to hear that you are on track and getting out, enjoying life again.  I was sad to hear if your 5th recurrence (is that a record??) I am so pleased that the new meds are having such a good effect!

    it sounds like your day at the shops was a lot of fun - not only for you, but for those you chatted with!  Well done you xx

    take care, stay well xxx
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Good for you @Beryl C. <3
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,573
    Great post @Beryl C.! It is nice to get out and about all alone, doing your own thing without needing anybody and without any pain 😊. I’m also glad you enjoyed your encounters with the strangers, these things do make a massive difference 👌🏻♥️
  • Jane_Elizabeth
    Jane_Elizabeth Member Posts: 158
    That's a beautiful post @Beryl C.