
Hi all,
In the new year I plan to be teaching some meditation techniques to anyone who has had cancer in the LIverpool or surrounding areas.
If you live in, or near Liverpool and would like to learn to meditate, please let me know your details so I can contact you in the new year where and when the courses will be.
There will be no fees for this - it will be totally FREE of charge. So all you need to is bring yourself.
Also, if you are connected to Skype and would like to learn some meditation technqiues this way, either one on one, or in a small group, please also let me know.
Have a bright and merry Christmas everyone - remember that where this is breath there is life - where there is life there is hope - without which we would all be doomed!
Sandy xx
Aren't you a lovely person. Meditation is so good in the healing process. I love it - it takes me "away" and brings me back "grounded". What a shame I live in Queensland otherwise I would be there with you. Good luck. XLeonie
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Thanks Leonie,
It is something positive I can give back. I am hoping to start it with my support group in the new year face to face. Then expand it for other cancer patients and or carers.
It helps me too to be in another space in my head. We can all but dream...
Merry Christmas
Sandy xx