Covid-19 and Chemotherapy

tsjlhm Member Posts: 14
edited March 2020 in Day to day
Hi, I was wondering how members are dealing with the news of Covid-19 while immunosuppressed on chemotherapy?
Im trying to self isolate as much as possible but it’s hard with husband working (medical) and kids. 
Thinking of pulling the kids from school and all extra curricular activities but that will have a big impact on them.
I’d love to hear how other people are managing?


  • ddon
    ddon Member Posts: 349
    I am worrying about this too. 4 kids at school and one in grade 12 and I am thinking I will pull them from school from next week. There aren’t any confirmed cases in our area but I don’t trust that at all - most people don’t take their kids to the dr for a fever and cough unless they are really sick. 
  • PV123
    PV123 Member Posts: 202
    Thank you for bringing up this topic @tsjlhm, I have been asking my doctors this exact question.  Thank you @kmakm for the information you have provided.  It is very comprehensive.  I am on 3 weekly Herceptin and that puts me in the high risk category as well.  Oh dear, as we don’t have enough to worry about.  
  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    Yep good question @tsjlhm
    I'm wondering if my surgery will be going ahead in mid  April eeeeeek

    Thanks Kate for all that info. Reassuring to see it in black and white  :)
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    No worries. I would imagine @BCNA is working on an advice page for their website. Perhaps someone could confirm? 

    @Caz1 Yes, as operating theatres can be readily turned into ICUs, I suspect elective surgeries might get postponed. K xox
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    We are at the stage of IF and WHEN senarios have arrived ...
    If we are immune suppressed 
    Plan for child care at  home if your health is at risk
    Maybe schools will be cancelling face lessons and sport events seems likely
    Not Travelling by public transport at peak hour 

    What is known is that it up to the individual and individual family group to plan 3-4 weeks of stay home activities
    Will this happen in Australia .....very slowly it seems
    Most of us are anxious already 
    I dont have kids to reign in and keep occupied
    Good luck with the planning
    Keep healthy 
    All the best
    Bright in hope
  • ddon
    ddon Member Posts: 349
    i spoke with my children’s schools today and they are very supportive of my homeschooling them from Monday. The high school has online play forms for all subjects and the primary school will help with lessons to keep them going. I feel much calmer now that I can keep us all at home - hubby is in a low risk environment in his own business and I can keep him separated from family better if he got sick. 
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello everyone,
    We have updated our website and My Journey online tool this afternoon with information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19).  See links below for further information

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) information
    Frequently asked questions about coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,094
    Dear @Giovanna_BCNA
    • The two links above have exactly the same information - is this intended?
    • Will BCNA be able to directly answer network members' questions on Covid-19; including how the virus, or lock down, or access to services and treatment might affect BCNA network members with our  breast cancer related worries and questions?
    • Does BCNA endorse the comprehensive information  included in the article above from One Cancer Voice?
    Best wishes from
    jennyss in Western NSW
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @jennyss
    Thanks for your message, I have checked the links and although very similar in information they are different links.  
    We will do our best to be able to answer our members questions with the resources available at the time.
    Please refer to the resources in the My Journey online tool as we will keep this updated as more information is made available.  You can also check the website for the Australian Government Department of Health.
    kind regards
  • tsjlhm
    tsjlhm Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2020
    Many thanks everyone.  We have decided to pull my two youngest children out of school from Monday and my older teenager will board with a friend.

    Unfortunately my husband is very high risk of exposure (medical) so we are both really struggling with how to manage this, both psychologically and practically. At this stage, if he shows any sign of becoming unwell, I will go into full lock-down in the bedroom for a couple of weeks.  It's so hard when we have up till now had help from grand-parents, but we are also trying to keep them well.  This is really rough but I know I'm not alone.  Thanks for this wonderful community.

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @tsjlhm Gosh what an appallingly difficult situation for you all. BCNA's helpline is open this weekend if you need some advice, or someone to talk to about it. Hang in there, K xox