Body odour after axillary clearance

I have tried so many deodorants, anti bac soaps, anti bac wipes - everything - yet could get out of the shower and still have a horrible strong and stale BO situation in that armpit. Does my head in over summer when it’s hotter! I had despaired of ever finding an answer. Plus worried about the chemicals in these strong deodorants I was using.
I tried No Pong, a natural paste deodorant, a week ago and I am ecstatic that this is doing the trick.
No more stinky pit at the start of a day when you should be fresh!
I would recommend trying. I’m pretty happy with results.
@Loz At first I thought you were asking for suggestions and I was going to say that I also noticed an increase in BO since treatment started and wanted a gentler solution as sometime next year radiation will commence. After a tip from my son I started using Sukin deodorant (a pump spray). I just love it! Not a trace of BO even after 24 hours and no nasty ingredients. It isn't an anti-perspirant but that doesn't worry me. My gym going son is very happy because his clothes no longer retain a sweaty smell after washing like they used to. It is about $6 a bottle and goes a long way so not expensive. I wish I had found it years ago.
PS I don't have shares in the company!!4 -
Does it leave any stains on clothes?0
I have this smell too! On my left, where nodes removed. It's such an odd odour and immediately transports me back to diagnosis almost 6 years ago2
Hi everyone, I have pretty much the opposite problem.
I am finding that aside from a very mild “glow” where my skin on my torso feels slightly moist, I don’t sweat!This is so hard as I work in Bunnings and the store is soooooo hot.
The only way I can manage this is constantly wet my shirt and head and allow what little breeze there is in store to dry me out creating a cooling effect.
When I don’t do this I overheat and feel like I’m having a panic attack as it makes me feel really sick, last week on Sunday I made it home before I started vomiting.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Im not sure if it an after effect of chemo or radiation.
🥵🥵🥵🤯🤯🤮🤮1 -
@Shakalker yes. I’m the same. I find that the radiated area, especially the foob does not sweat. I can tell, especially after personal training - one side is sweaty, the other side is not.1
@Shakalker, I’m the same. I don’t sweat at all on the side of the axilla clearance either. I don’t find I overheat though, that sounds very unpleasant.1
Must try that, thank you!!! Sweat easily, and smell like a truck driver!! My husband says its my imagination, but its not..its a weird combination of BO and a sickly sweet " medical" odour. Sorry about being do graphic, its great that people are do supportive here..can I.just ask please Loz is it from the supermarket or need a script??
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Joarden it's available online and through some health shops, google No Pong and see what works for you, good luck!
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No Pong works and doesn’t have anything nasty in it but does have bicarb in it. Definitely suggest using an App like Yuka to scan any product before purchasing it and putting in on your body as it will flag any questionable ingredients and provide a score out of 100%.
And I don’t think many people know but most crystal deodorants contain Alum salts which is still an "aluminium" salt but they market it as aluminium free as it doesn't say the word aluminium in the ingredient list, only alum.
I also avoid any aerosol/spray deodorant as you are likely to inhale any questionable ingredients as well as putting in on your skin.
I also avoid an natural deodorant with parfum or fragrance - these can be made up of 1000s of individual chemicals are the manufacturer does not need to disclose what they are can literally consist of known carcinogenic compounds, synthetic and petro chemicals.
If you after a scented deodorant, look for those scented with natural botanical oils or there’s also unscented options out there.
Highly recommend, looking for magnesium based natural deodorant, slightly more expensive as the magnesium is a lot more expensive than bicarb for the manufactures but it is safe and way more effective and ideal for sensitive skin. Slightly harder to come by.
Totem Eco has a range of magnesium paste and stick natural deodorant with clean ingredients and blogs worth a read.
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Daisygirl they have a bicarb free range as well!0
MooGoo deodorant worked for me with a regular wipe under the affected underarm. You can buy it in any chemist, or you may look on this website. I will continue using MooGo. I found this recommendation on this network.
Oncology Cancer Care Pack | Chemo & Radiation | MooGoo Skin Care – MooGoo AU0 -
Hi @DaisyGirl - welcome to the forum! Feel free to tell us your story on Newly Diagnosed - what type BC you have & your treatment/surgery so far ... Then you'll receive replies dedicated to you - and it can become a bit of a diary, to look back on later on
I definitely noticed my surgery side underarm ponged way worse than my non surgery side after my surgery/ Rads in 2018.
I now just use Rexona Men's Sport Stick deodorants (tho tried a few different bits back in 2018 ...)
All the best
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Hi @Laurie777
Thanks for that tip. I've had an ax clearance under my left arm also. I'm 4 weeks post radiation today and haven't been able to put any deodorant on under my left arm yet due to my skin breaking down (It's now much better). I am allergic to all deodorants containing aluminum normally. I usually use Redwin Sports Aluminum free spray on deodorant (which has anti perspirant) and it doesn't leave white clog on your clothes (I converted my husband to it!!) and it works well for me. Also norsca 0% aluminum roll on is good. You can get both in coles/woolies/iga. I haven't had the pong issues as yet (maybe because it's still winter) but I sure am overheating all the time on the hormone therapy!!0 -
At the moment I don't seem to have any odour under my arms, on either side. An unexpected side effect of chemo. I don't use any deodorant under my right arm since surgery to remove 3 lymph nodes 9 months ago, and I use a little bit of dove 0 aluminium deodorant under my left arm, although I'm not sure I actually need it. I can't use the natural ones, I tried lots before all this happened and I just ended up with a red rash. I live in Darwin, I exercise, so I either can't smell BO anymore (none of my friends have mentioned anything yet 😆), or I no longer get it.1