Forum Discussion

Tanya's avatar
15 years ago


Just curious, Anyone taking Arimidex and having thinning hair issues?


Mine is falling out big time and getting really thin?? 


Interested in your comments.



7 Replies

  • Hi again Tanya .... I've only been on Arimidex since Feb (with a month off it while my oncologist explored another problem which fortunately wasn't due to Arimidex).  So far I've had the hot flushes, aches and pains etc etc - nothing I can't deal with..... but the hair is ok.

    Got my "stylist" keeping an eye on it.

    Cheers .... Shirl

  • Hi again Tanya .... I've only been on Arimidex since Feb (with a month off it while my oncologist explored another problem which fortunately wasn't due to Arimidex).  So far I've had the hot flushes, aches and pains etc etc - nothing I can't deal with..... but the hair is ok.

    Got my "stylist" keeping an eye on it.

    Cheers .... Shirl

  • Hi Tanya,

    I found it didn't affect my hair but then I have really thick curly hair but my friend at work has had terrible trouble with thinning on those drugs.  She has at last found a hair style to accommodate it but she is forever saying how it is just gradually falling out and breaking off. 

    Good luck with it, hope you don't lose too much.

    Also your story from the beginning is so similar to mine, all of it!  It's like me writing my own story, just amazing.

    Take care


  • Hi Tanya

    I've actually had some serious issues with hair breakage and losing the curl out of my curly hair and having thinner hair, but I have just thought of it as collateral damage from chemo as well as the chemicals I use to colour my hair .... but it could all be from Arimidex???

    I finish the horrible stuff in February 2011 and it cannot come fast enough. I have had joint pain for like ever, particulary in my hands but I take fish oil and it helps. I absolutely hate the weight gain that even massive amounts of exercise just cannot budge, so really really looking forward to seeing what happens once I am off it.

    I understand that it is of benefit to me in the long run and would never have considered not taking it but it's been a long 5 years that is coming to and end soon and then I shall celebrate!

    Other than that life is great here. I thought you may have been sending a message to say you're in Townsville this Wednesday and ready for our lunch date?? Looking forward to that.

    Love your new profile photo. Daresay it was a Pink Girls Night In perhaps? You have a gorgeous smile my girl, which just lights up your face ... and you look so cheeky!

    Talk to you again soon. Luv'n'hugs

    Sherone xxx

  • Hi Shaz

    Just found this reply!!  I am finding this is a problem that some of the messages get missed, so sorry.  Weird that our stories are similar.  I am gonna go and read yours now.


    Isn't it weird that we all respond to different drugs?? Has your hair always been thick and curly?  or is it only since chemo.


    Thanks for replying.

