33yrs Newly Diagnosed QLD Anyone Else?

Bron33 Member Posts: 10
edited December 2019 in Newly diagnosed
Hi all,

I’ve been diagnosed with stage 2B, grade 3 Triple Positive Breast Cancer. 

Guess I’m just looking for others similar in age who are going through the same thing who can chat and share experiences with. 

I feel lonely and that no one really understands me at the moment especially with being young. I am onto my 3rd AC (side effects are awful). 

I am married with 2 little ones so it’s very exhausting. 

Thanks for reading! 



  • strongtogether
    strongtogether Member Posts: 167
    Sorry to hear that Bron. 
     We are a bit older than you but if you or your spouse need to chat or catch up with someone else in qld feel free to hit me up. 
     Try and rest, the chemo sucks but you will make it through this.
  • youngdogmum
    youngdogmum Member Posts: 253
    Hello.. slightly younger than you at 27 but also in Qld. I wrote a lot on another post a few days ago have a search for young woman in Perth and have a see of what I’ve written :) can’t relate to the Mum stuff as I have no kids. AC is yuck, are you doing Taxol as well? Where are you based? 
  • CRM
    CRM Member Posts: 94
    edited December 2019
    Hi @Bron33 I am also 33 and in Melbourne.  I can't really relate to going through chemo as I was fortunate enough to avoid it but I just wanted to touch base as I know there is another young female in Melbourne who posts a bit on Instagram and she is also triple positive. Her insta account is hanginonbyatit.  Wishing you all the best with your treatment xx
  • Bron33
    Bron33 Member Posts: 10
    Good morning,
    Thank you for all your replies. Sorry I’m a tad slow still working out how to use this app. Hope I’ve responded correctly (fingers crossed)

    All good about being older I just don’t know anyone or have seen anyone else that is similar in age going through treatment at my centre. Happy to chat with anyone who is going through this. My husband is 35yrs.

    strongtogether do you have any children? We have a 4 yr old and 8 yr old. Where about a in QLD are you ? We are in South Brisbane. Chemo definitely sux & thank you!

    Youngdogmum I feel bad complaining about being 33yr. I’m South Brisbane where abouts are you? I’m guessing by your name you have a dog? We have two dogs. Yes 4 AC,  than 12 Taxol. I’ve got 1 AC left next Thursday and dreading it. No I haven’t read it I will go and have a look thank you 👍 

    CRM- thank you for that information I will go and look her up, appreciate it. I’m so glad you have been able to avoid chemo hugs to you! 

    Thanks all,
  • PV123
    PV123 Member Posts: 202
    Hi Bron33
    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, chemotherapy side effects are unpleasant.  I am her2+ and oestrogen+ so I am also undergoing chemo and Herceptin.  You can contract cancer connect, they can try and put you in touch with someone in your age group.  Stay strong and best wishes to you.
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    edited December 2019
    Hi @Bron33,

    Welcome to the forum lovely.  Stinks to be here.  Again older than you. 45 at the time of diagnosis.  All my kids (5 of) were 17-21. I imagine having littlies would add a whole new dimension to the shit show. 
     I did AC + T as well.  There were only two of us under 50 doing chemo at the centre,  we giggled about being the young ones.  I found Taxol sooooo much easier than AC.  I hope you do too.
    All the best lovely.  
  • Lythe
    Lythe Member Posts: 70
    Hi, I'm 43 but have little ones 6yrs and 17 months. I'm her2 positive stage 3 grade 3 and I'm in brisbane on the southside. Are you at the mater? I've just had my 2nd AC and it's awful. 2 more to go and then taxol and Herceptin like you. It's not fun. I'm lucky my husband was full time at home and I was back working when I was diagnosed so I have him here to take care of the kids (obviously neither of us working is an issue but we are getting around it) but it still isn't easy. I don't know about you, but I'm dreading the school holidays. I feel awful for saying it because I love my kids but having my energetic son at home all day is really hard. He just wants me to play and be normal and I can barely open my eyes some days. Our little one is easy and is content to be with dad all day. I don't know why I'm saying any of this, it's not helpful. I guess just saying that while I'm not as young, I'm in a similar ish boat. I hope for both our sakes that the taxol is easier.
  • youngdogmum
    youngdogmum Member Posts: 253
    Hi @Bron33... are you at Mater or PAH? I was (and am still) based at PAH for oncology but live on the GC. I did 4 AC and then dose dense Taxol over 4 doses instead of 12 which was honestly rougher for me than the AC but in a different way. I suffered a lot of body pain after each infusion for days on end. I never thought I'd make it to the end of chemo but here I am months later and back at work...it eventually ends which is the most incredible feeling. 

    Surprisingly there is a fairly large  number of women diagnosed in their 30's but as you say, when you're in our age range you are typically the first you know and feel like the whole world is against you. I detested all of my waiting rooms being stared at, the youngest by 20+ years most weeks. 

    Yes I'm a dog mum :) 
  • Bron33
    Bron33 Member Posts: 10
    Thank you so much for all the replies it’s been good to chat with others about this when it does feel lonely or you feel like your placing pressure on family. I have a couple of lovely friends who been excellent however I did lose a couple once I told them of my diagnosis. 

    @PV123 thanks for the info I didn’t realise this :) 

    @kezmusc I’d definitely does stink to be here could not agree more! Fingers crossed 🤞 I hops so AC has really knocked me about 1 to go. Thankful for my mum she has been a great help. My son is the hardest to manage he is so energetic and loud lol gets tiring but then some times he makes me smile. Haha, I feel like a baby in the waiting rooms compared to everyone else and you definitely get looked at. I really hope you are doing well at the moment :) 

  • Bron33
    Bron33 Member Posts: 10
    @Lythe thanks for your reply 
     I fee for you with two young ones it is hard isn’t it. My son (4) is challenging he is very loud and energetic and I do feel bad to he gets a lot of tv at the moment so I can have some quiet. We were a very active family before this happened been a big adjustment. My daughter (8) so much easier and is very helpful, very lucky. I’m at Matar Springfield is that where you go? I agree AC is horrible I did my 3rd last week it was horrible my worst so far hoping 4th is easier. We are at very similar stages also in this too by the seems of it. I couldn’t imagine with work it would have been very difficult with both not working definitely financially. I had just started my own beauty therapy business when diagnosed so have gave that up for now my hubby is a shift worker. I’m gl sit is working for you though it’s good he is their to help you. Yes to school holidays haha my two fight so bad arrghhh not looking forward to that. Oh don’t worry talk away it does ya both good to get it all out, happy to chat anytime can’t do much else when sick. Thanks for your reply :)
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    @Bron33,  I went to Mater springfield as well.  I found them all so lovely (all but one really).  Is Hee sill there? She was awesome.
  • Bron33
    Bron33 Member Posts: 10
    @youngdogmum hey! 

    I’m at Matar Springfield. My friend works at the PA and was telling me how great their Breast Clinic was. I was hoping to go there but I can’t complain I’ve had a really good experience with Matar so far. How far out are you from finishing treatment? 

    I’m onto my 3rd AC 1 to go. I am doing 12 weekly Taxol I was told not everyone makes it to 12 but 9 is as good as 12. I hope I can make it all the way through. I was pre warned the bone and joint pain is awful I feel for you i hope I don’t get it as bad. Everyone responds so differently. 

    How have you found being back at work? I had to stop my beauty business I had just started and I miss it very much but there is no way I could do it at the moment. I have found myself counting down the days of treatment all ready but at the start I was so scared of finishing treatment I googled things and I really shouldn’t have very depressing. 

    I followed some of the ladies you mentioned who are on Instagram From the other post you told me about. I don’t use Instagram often I’m a Facebook fan lol but it seems to be the go to.  

    Yes that’s very true, I hate being looked at it makes me feel sadder for some reason. I feel like I’m in an odd age group for it. It’s a little isolating I guess. 

    Thanks again for your reply 🙂

  • Bron33
    Bron33 Member Posts: 10
    @kezmusc Hey guess what Hee is my nurse, small word. She is amazing and so lovely she calms my nerves all the time. I’m usually not the best patient of a morning but once I’ve seen her we have a good day. 
  • strongtogether
    strongtogether Member Posts: 167
    @Bron33 we have an 11 and a 9 year old.  It definitely adds another dimension. They have both been brilliant but it's not easy on anyone.
    We live on the North side of Brisbane. Not long to go now before active treatment is over. 
    Good luck to us all, and know that you are not alone. 
  • Lythe
    Lythe Member Posts: 70
    how did dose 4 go? I just had dose 3. Yuck! How are you going with holidays? I'm lucky I've been able to set up some play dates for my big guy so he will be happy. I saw above you were talking about the neuropathy pain from the taxol. I was talking to my acupuncturist and he said that he has really good results at reducing that particular side effect. He is pretty honest and up front with me about what he can/can't help with. He is more 'medically' focused rather than hippy dippy (not that there's anything wrong with that, it just isn't me), so I tend to believe him when he says he thinks something will work. I can keep you posted if you like about how I go? Of course, we may both be lucky and not get that side effect!