Caz1 Member Posts: 382
Hi all
I’m one month into 5 of chemo. I’m pretty paranoid about going out in public due to picking up a virus or something yucky  from someone, and if I do I hold a scarf over my mouth!! Am I being over cautious?
How do you approach this? I don’t want to be a recluse for 5 months. And I want to enjoy every moment too.
Is this unbalanced?


  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Not at all unbalanced @Caz1, it's normal to worry. I took reasonable but not excessive precautions. I had no choice when it came to going out to the supermarket during chemo. I made sure my hands went nowhere near my face until I'd got home and thoroughly washed them. And anyone with any kind of illness kept away from home. I had four kids all at school and got through four months of chemo without a single illness. If you know there's a nasty germ going round you and you had to go to a crowded place you could wear a face mask for extra safety. Hopefully as we move into summer the warmer weather will see off some of the ear, nose and throat viruses that go around. K xox
  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    Kmakm, did you limit doing stuff like movies, or going out for a coffee or dinner?
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,466
    I didn’t take any special precautions - normal hygiene and not hanging around sniffly, coughing people if you can avoid it (hard on public transport or open plan offices and I had both as I worked throughout) seemed sufficient. Didn’t get anything via germs (some chemo side effects but different story!). Hand sanitiser more commonly used now than seven years ago and not a bad idea. Best wishes.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Caz1 Only on days 7 - 10 when my immunity was at its lowest.
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    I really didn't do anything different. A bit of had sanitizer after using the shopping trolley, lift buttons, door handles at shops etc and just stayed right away from hand rails. I did wipe down my work phone a bit more than normal but thats about it.  I work in a public hospital so they push the hand washing thing constantly so that was already ingrained.  I had 5 teenagers at home at the time.    Went to movies, coffee, pubs, restuarants, horse shows etc etc etc, Never had a problem all through chemo.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Hand sanitiser with me at all times.  Public loo seats got a disinfectant wipe.  I stood back a bit where possible in crowds when my immunity was lowest.  At the GPs I would wait outside or in the car until he was ready to see me and then the receptionist would give me a call so I wouldn't be in a waiting room with sickies.
  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    Thanks everyone. Looks like it’s mainly days 7-10 to watch but I’ll try to be brave and get out a bit more. I just bought a million bottles of aquim sanitiser lol #anxiety 

  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    As @kmakm said, there are a couple of days each cycle where you are quite vulnerable but major infections, though they do happen, are serious but not that common. You need to be careful without sending yourself bonkers about it. The doctors surgery was my absolute no go zone.  Phone in,  sit outside and tell them to phone you back when they are ready to see you. Try not to go shopping on the lowest days and  don't let anyone with green snot and a hacking cough anywhere near you.  Mxx
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,273
    I just maintained normal levels of hygiene. I'm a nurse, so lots of hand washing was the norm.
    I was working in a general practice at the time, and my nursing colleagues and the doctors just tried to keep me away from potential infectious patients. 
    I did end up in hospital once with febrile neutropaenia,  but they didn't find an infection, so.....
    Other than that episode, I worked 3 days a week right through chemo. And I know how lucky I was that I could manage it.

    As others have said, perhapsa little extra care on those days you are most at risk, and try and keep things relatively normal
  • poodlejules
    poodlejules Member Posts: 393
    I didn't go out too much because I felt blah ! but I took the herb astragalus (in capsule form)  with my onco's blessing the whole way through chemo, said no to the flu vaccine and stayed well . I still take astragalus and have avoided the winter illness' . I washed my hands heaps too and wore a mask a couple of times on the tram during winter. Good luck with it all! x
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I always wipe down shopping trolleys at supermarkets and I too wiped down surfaces of public and my own loo (shared with 5 people) in my low white cell period day 7 to 12 of cycle. 
    I didn't cover my face as it really does nothing to protect you. I also just used public areas at quieter times and didn't do much kissing hugging of family when people were sick (all older so a bit easier)
  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    It’s really good to hear how you all managed it. Thanks- I have more of an idea now.  Funny how I’m so worried about going out,  then my son arrives home from uni full of cold :s . He’s been sent upstairs into quarantine!