Here's to my Journey!!

helen anne
helen anne Member Posts: 265
edited October 2011 in Newly diagnosed



How appropriate!  Today I find out I've got mucinous cancer of the L breast and I have to have surgery.  Well I wasn't surprised as I checked out the films before my appointment and could tell they showed up as cancerous.  My lump is about 3 cm or a bit bigger and hopefully I won't have to have too many lymph nodes removed.

I'm pretty cool about it all as I've worked in the cancer area for over 3 years and know what's ahead.  You see I have alot of medical experience and have worked for the past 20 years as either a Receptionist/Secretary or Practice Manager in various Medical clinics.

However I have to admit I was a bit shocked.  We had no family history of cancer and I don't smoke so I was more than perplexed as to why I was the "lucky" one!   Anyway nothing I can do about it now except take it on the chin and get on with life.

When I worked at Peter Mac I could always tell who was positive and who were not. Although I was just the receptionist (not a treating person) I am a very astute person with a fair degree of intuition and observation.  It was those who dealt with the diagnosis positively and who were prepared to fight that were the ones that got through treatment in best possible way (if there is such a thing). 

I really believe that if you are positive and challenge yourself inwardly to beat this thing then you will triumph.   And that's what it's all about isn't it?  Human spirit....Just cause the body has thrown a spanner in the works doesn't mean our spirit has to give in too.

Sure there are going to be days when each and every one of us will struggle.   And that's ok - after all we are human!  But if you believe in yourself and whatever faith you have, then I feel certain you'll beat it.

Just like I intend to.

So this is my first entry in what will be a daily blog which will chronicle my journey as I fight to beat this cancer.  I hope you can follow me along the way. 


  • traxx65
    traxx65 Member Posts: 252
    edited March 2015

    Hi Helen Anne

    Sorry to hear about your news.  I have never heard of your type of breast cancer before, but I am discovering just how many different types there are out there. 

    I want to wish you all the best with your treatments and surgeries, and let us know how you travel.

    Take care.

    Tracey xx

  • helen anne
    helen anne Member Posts: 265
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Tracey for your're my very first comment on my very first blog!  So feel honoured dear girl!

    My type of cancer is rather rare - even a friend of mine who works in Radiotherapy had never even heard of it!   But being me if anyone was meant to get a rare cancer it would have to happen to me!   I am a very accident prone person with a long history of medical incidences/problems so I just laughed when I read it was extremely rare.  I thought to myself "that'd be right"!!  Apparently only 2-3% of women with Breast Cancer ever get this.  You can find it on the internet and it gives you a good explaination of what it's about.  I'm just hoping that I don't have too many lymph nodes involved or I might be facing more of a battle than I've anticipated...but whatever happens I know I'm going to keep positive.

    Each day I'll update this blog so you'll be able to see how I go but thank you for your kind wishes.  I hope you are doing ok as well as I don't know if you've battled this before but I'm assuming you have....

    Kind regards

    Helen anne 

  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015

    Hi Helen anne,  I just wanted to say welcome to the site, I'm glad you found your way here.  You seem to have figured out how it works okay, congrats on making your first blog post (it's easy, right? ;).  Just jump in and comment anywhere that interests you and if you need a hand with anything just ask.

    Best wishes for your treatment. :)


  • memyselfI
    memyselfI Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2015

    Sorry to hear that you have MC Breast cancer too. This is my diagnosis  Pure Mucinous Cancer DCIS Diagnosis: 10/20/2010, Mammogram then fine needle biopsy, (non-palpable)  top left quadrant of left breast 2.0cm, Stage I, Grade 1, 0/3 nodes, ER+(>75%), PR+ (>75%) HER2-, Lumpectomy 24th Nov 2010 RAH , Tamoxifen 6th Dec 2010 Radiotherapy 25x from 28th Feb 2011. I have found the Breast Cancer Support online for Mucinous Cancer the most helpful especially as several of the women online are very knowledgeable. So I rarely log in here now. I had a few minutes today so checked BCNA out and just read your comments. If you research Mucinous Cancer on BCNA it will take you to my info as well as to yours.

    You planned to blog daily but somehow that hasn't happened for you, are you ok. This is the scripture I use daily to keep my spirits up

    Matt 6:34"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.

    That has certainly been my experience. The op, the radiotherapy and eventually tha Tamoxifen have allbeen quite manageable, and yes like you I am very positive. I have just had my 1 yr followup Mammogram and all is well so far. Lots of prayers
