Delayed reconstruction surgery or not

Sandy B
Sandy B Member Posts: 26
edited August 2019 in General discussion
Hi girls, Saw my Surgeon at public hospital today after 2 years on waiting list
Up until now have been looking forward to/anxiously waiting for this appointment
All along I have wanted breast reconstruction no matter what BUT a week ago I had doubts 
Do I really want to put myself through this?
Anyone else feel this way, I am so confused ..... I am 71 am I kidding myself?
I look at myself (signs of aging) although I am very active . . . Water aerobics 5 times a week, walk my dog daily, healthy diet ...... etc etc!
Surgeon was excellent, told me to decide within 3 months
Anyone else feel this way?
Would live to hear your views, thanks


  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    @Sandy B I used to think that I wanted a recon too but have since well and truly changed my mind and have decided to remain flat and fabulous. I was on the wait list with the Royal brisbane for 2 1/2 years 

     Please remember this is my choice and Is the right one for me. I just don’t want more surgery and I’d have to have 4 surgeries,  fat transfer, expanders, implants then nipples , so that’s 4 lots of General anaesthetic and more time off work. I’m 47.

    I’ve decided if I’m going to take time off work I’d rather spend that time, with hubby and my family and not recovering from surgery. Plus im a nurse and a shit patient! Don’t let your age get in the way. If you feel it’s right for you then do it if you don’t then don’t. Good luck with whatever your decide.  Big hugs Margie x

  • Sandy B
    Sandy B Member Posts: 26
    Thanks One Margie, You are correct; it is not just one surgery but additional ones
    Thanks for taking the time out to reply .....I appreciate it!
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    Hi! I agree with @onemargie, age has nothing to do with it. I had a single mastectomy at 67, wasn’t keen on reconstruction but as my surgeon preferred to wait, didn’t make any decision initially. I have stayed mono boobed since (almost 7 years) and perfectly happy to do so for ever. I had a seroma for 12 months so I too wasn’t mad keen to have more surgery. I still work, travel, go to the gym and have no problem doing so. I’m comfortable with how I look (ageing sure but a smart dresser and most people assess me as younger than I am!) and so is my partner. BUT I know that many women are very happy with their reconstruction. It’s really your choice, so listen to a range of views and then be happy and positive about your decision. Best wishes. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,800
    It's all about you and what you will be comfortable with.  All I would say is don't let age cloud your judgment.  It's what you want and yes you've got time on your side so mull it over! There's no right or wrong answer.
    Best wishes
    Take care
  • Sandy B
    Sandy B Member Posts: 26
    Afrazer, You are basically telling my story, had a seroma also (still fluid remaining) I am a "young" 71 year old senior
    Many thanks for you input x
  • Sandy B
    Sandy B Member Posts: 26
    Iserbrown, thanks
    It is always good to receive feedback from ladies who have experienced similar experiences x
  • @sandyb I had to wait 2 years to have a left LD reconstruction with a small implant. I am really happy with the results, but the surgery was very painful. I now have an implant in my body that has been recalled and live with one more risk factor that was unnecessary given that doctors have known about this risk for ages. There is also a level of discomfort that I didn’t have with the mastectomy scar. If i had the chance again, even with all of these problems, i would have the surgery. I feel better mentally with reconstruction, but it was a long haul and with ongoing surgery in the future this is a hassle. All the best with your decision. No post cancer decisions are easy, are they?