Ideas please

Patchworkmum Member Posts: 18
edited July 2019 in Newly diagnosed
i have a friend who is newly diagnosed. Money is tight for her so a couple of friends are getting together to make up a care basket, with such things as beanies, moisturiser, diary and of course the all important thermometer. Any ideas that we could add would be appreciated.


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    That is a lovely thing to do for your buddy.  Does she like Crossword puzzles or things like that?  Something to take her mind off things.  I found magazines better than novels - as your concentration is just shot to bits!  Take care xx All the best for your friend
  • Patchworkmum
    Patchworkmum Member Posts: 18
    Thanks Arpie that’s a great idea.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    What a lovely idea! 

    There are some links for her to take advantage of

    Are you aware of her treatment plan?  I didn't lose my hair so I didn't need beanies. 

    Moo goo products in particular their deodorant was suggested as the armpit is sensitive after node removal. 

    Some say black nail polish helps protect the nails

    Take care 
  • Patchworkmum
    Patchworkmum Member Posts: 18
    She sees the oncologist and breast care nurse next week, she’s had scans this week. Not sure what her treatment plan is but pretty sure she has to have mastectomy, three tumours and node involved. Needless to say she’s pretty scared.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    Understandable that she's scared but hopefully she will get to know the forum and know there's lots of support.

    Beanies only if she is to lose her hair.  I didn't and was feeling guilty because everyone else did. It's a mindset that's fragile as we work  our way through it.

    Take care 
  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    What a wonderful idea by some caring friends.
    Anything to help with dry mouth ( gels from chemist/dentist), aluminium free deodorant, crossword puzzle / word find books, sorbolene moisture cream, some warm bed socks for hospital, or slip on slippers. 

    Just be there for her, keep checking in on her, cry with her, this is when she will need her friends and family the most.

    Wishing your friend all the best, and we are all here anytime. Xx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited July 2019
    Subscriptions to Netflix/Stan/Amazon Prime if she's a tv watcher.

    Lip balm.

    Massage voucher to someone who does oncology massage.
  • Mahaica
    Mahaica Member Posts: 26
    Meals frozen ones maybe 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    It may sound silly but something a bit glamorous? Perfume, lipstick, a small indulgence. Losing your breast and possibly your hair can feel like the end of any sense of being attractive - it isn’t. A great lipstick is also good for diverting glances away from your vanishing eyebrows! 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Good quality thermos mug or insulated coffee cup and either coffee or tea bags. So much nicer than tiny little white hospital cups or cardboard takeaway ones.
  • Patchworkmum
    Patchworkmum Member Posts: 18
    Thank you ladies, all great ideas and some I would never of thought of. Will definitely be putting these ideas to good use 💕
  • youngdogmum
    youngdogmum Member Posts: 254
    I was given a few pairs of big bright earrings, similar to what afraser suggests about loss of body image. Wearing those with a bald head/scarf/cap adds confidence
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    edited July 2019
    Absolutely @youngdogmum re the earrings.  When I was having chemo end of last year at the hospital some of the volunteer ladies set up a table near the oncologists and chemo ward with a heap of earrings and were asking anyone heading to the unit would they like to choose a pair for nothing.  Thought it was a really nice gesture and made my day to see such caring people.  Walked out with a pair of green and gold dangly ones which I still have.  I went bald most places but with big earrings and a bit of lippy.  Just couldn't stand anything on my scalp just the odd scarf now and again. 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Herbal infusers for cold water because it tastes disgusting when on chemo