Prevention in Survivorship - "What can I do to prevent a cancer recurrence?"

Rosie_BCNA Member Posts: 217
edited March 2019 in Health and wellbeing
The Cancer Council is hosting a webinar tonight on this topic. Apologies for the late notice but if you are not available this evening, you can still register and then receive an emailed link to the recorded webinar. (Details below) 

28th February 2019 7:00pm - 8:00pm (AEDT)

Whilst more research is
needed, current research does suggest that maintaining or adopting a healthy lifestyle
can reduce the chance of your cancer coming back or a new cancer developing. A
healthy lifestyle includes things such as eating a healthy diet, being
physically active, maintaining a healthy body weight, improving your
psychological wellbeing, protecting yourself from the sun, stopping smoking or
cutting down on alcohol.

Some people who have
had a cancer diagnosis may also experience an increased risk of other chronic
health problems. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can also help prevent chronic
health problems, such as heart disease or type 2 diabetes.

This webinar will look
at prevention after your cancer treatment and will provide a range of practical
strategies you can adopt to help to prevent your cancer coming back. Including
regular health checks, adopting a healthy lifestyle, protecting yourself from
the sun and more.


  • Survivorship

Register for this webinar

you are not available on the night, please register and we will email you a
link to the recorded webinar.




  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
  • BlackWidow
    BlackWidow Member Posts: 268
    Agree with @Patti J - it is all in the lap of the gods.
    Agree with @Aggie - Yep, living that healthy life, what for ?????
    I am now of the opinion that as I was good and ended up with BC, as well as a myriad of other medical issues, I am now going to be BAD (yep, in capitals) and enjoy what life I have left.   Anne
  • pammiesyd
    pammiesyd Member Posts: 69
    Totally agree with all of you. Going on big trip on Sunday, including a cruise around India. I will enjoy eating and drinking whatever I feel like!
  • Southgirl
    Southgirl Member Posts: 80
    So many of us have maintained a healthy lifestyle and still developed mets. I find this 'survivorship' info rather distressing, there is nothing more I could have done to prevent my metastatic diagnosis.
  • Rosie_BCNA
    Rosie_BCNA Member Posts: 217
    Thank you all for your comments. I appreciate the title of the session could be upsetting especially for those members living with metastatic breast cancer and Im sorry this has caused some of you distress. As you know, we often notify members of events held by other organisations about relevant topics. There has been significant interest in the online community about survivorship, and there may be people who would like to know about the latest research in the field from a reputable source. Please disregard the post if it is not relevant to you. Of course, you are most welcome to call the Helpline on 1800 500 258 if you would like any information or support.      
  • Joannie
    Joannie Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2019
    There is no sure way of preventing a cancer recurrence.  This title WILL be upsetting to some, who chose the title?  

    Can you change the title? 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    It's not BCNA's title to change.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,532
    @Rosie_BCNA I think when members have talked recently of 'survivorship' it's been how to live with the side effects of treatment moving forward.

    I often find the responses to be very rigid, scripted and impersonal.

    I've been down this road a few times here on this Forum and have been badgered over it and put down, this is why I'm calling it quits with BCNA. Very disappointing!

    Glad to see MAJORITY of people think and feel the same way, sorry you and your specialists are going to have to focus on something else in order to maintain support. 

    My medical oncologist said this is nonsense?? hmmm please stop promoting this as it is offensive, but only someone been in the position would possibly know.

    Regards all xx Ciao M
  • ~Millie~
    ~Millie~ Member Posts: 61
    A healthy lifestyle includes things such as eating a healthy diet, being physically active, maintaining a healthy body weight, improving your psychological wellbeing, protecting yourself from the sun, stopping smoking or cutting down on alcohol”

    I’m the only one in my family who has never smoked, is in the healthy weight range, drinks the least alcohol, has the best fitness, avoids the sun - even has low vitamin D levels, yet, the only one to get Breast cancer, at 42. 

    I’m concerned this topic is too narrow. It implies you can cause your own cancer. Or, not do enough to avoid it. Even though it is aimed at people already diagnosed with cancer, and reducing reoccurrence, there is nothing different from what is recommended for everyone. Healthy lifestyle as described isn’t the golden ticket to a cancer free life :'(
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Go for it @pammiesyd !
    Look forward to reading all about your trip in due course.
    You go girl @BlackWidowAgree wholeheartedly.
    Being ''good'' does not always achieve what it is supposed to.
    Quality of life, I say, not necessarily the quantity.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,443
    So @Rosie_BCNA
     on a positive note are you ok if I post this into the facebook groups so those that do want the information can benefit from the information. 
    Yes there is some sense of nothing will stop you from getting recurrence if you are going to be in % who will succumb to a recurrence.  Life in General is about Balance  be in stress/food/alcohol/drugs etc etc. Learning to glean good information out of sessions like the above is what I have been trying to achieve in this life after my diagnosis Will I be successful in continuing to be Cancer free who knows ... it is like a lottery for most of us we dont know which straw we have in our hands.  For some there is genes that make them more prone to recurrence.   

    Rosie thank you for notifying us of this webinar. 

  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,532
    @SoldierCrab even with what Kate said....what % are you talking about that is 'going to be in the recurrence' the whole thing doesnt even make sense. You say for some there are genes that make them more prone to recurrence?? so it has nothing to do with the rest...what do you say to the MILLIONS of people who have had multiple recurrences and are metastatic that DID and continue to live a healthy lifestyle, exercise etc?? this is the point?

    Lets be very clear here, I have ALWAYS BEEN PRO exercise and diet, I've always lived that way and I still do...does that mean we all were in the % you both speak of?? The world knows to do these things..the point everyone keeps making over and over if you do get a recurrence its NOT because you didnt have a good diet or exercise enough. My Oncologist made it perfectly clear as did my Surgeon along with many specialists at Epworth that it will not. YES EXERCISE and have a GREAT all have completely missed what I or anyone has ever said about this. I've been attacked for putting people off exercise etc..yes really, again missed the message for years has been clear for anyone who really read every post I wrote. 

    For any illness having a good lifestyle is paramount nobody has ever said differently not even here...people don't listen to what is being said. They all just think we are saying dont bother exercising or looking after yourself. So I really wish the pack mentality as @Aggie put it would understand what people are trying to say. This is coming from people in the position who know, not those who think they do or specialists that havent been through it.

    Im done. 
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