Surgery Completed :)

Cruiser Member Posts: 12
edited February 2019 in Newly diagnosed
Hi all. Just wanted to thank you lovely ladies for all the help and reassurance before my surgery. As an update, I went in for a lumpectomy on Wednesday. It was a very long day as we were told to arrive at 8am and my surgery did not take place until 6 pm but I am very glad it is all over. I had 6 lymph nodes removed and the initial pathology results showed that no cancer had spread to them but I will obviously need to wait for the final pathology results in the next couple of weeks. I came home yesterday and I actually feel allot better than I thought I would have, a little pain but only when I move around too much. Honestly just glad to be home and grateful that it all went so well. Thank you all again and I wish everyone success on your journeys.

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  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Good news!  Glad that part is behind you!  Rest up and good luck with your final pathology results which from the indications given should be all good!

    Take care
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Well done! K xox  :)
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Great to hear.  One to tick off the list.  Yahoo!
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    Good news @Cruiser.  Hope all goes just as well with Path results. fingers crossed for you. xo
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    that is a great outcome so far Cruiser 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Awesome, @Cruiser  - just make haste slowly - the effect of the anaesthetic can sneak up on you  a bit  (tho I've always reacted badly to it!  grrr)

    Take care, fingers & toes crossed for Pathology reports    xxxxx   Rest up xx

  • Cruiser
    Cruiser Member Posts: 12
    Thank you ladies, I am taking it easy. I was surprised at how painful the drive home was even as a passenger so I am avoiding the car at all costs for the moment and Netflix is getting a good workout. I plan on taking the full 2 weeks and a bit off work at this stage but will reassess when it gets closer to the time to go back. The lumpectomy scar is not that painful but where they removed the lymph nodes is another story. Thank you again for your kind words and I am staying positive for a good result when I receive the pathology results. Hopefully the oncologist appointment follows soon after the surgeon's appointment. xoxo
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Yes - I had to hold my boob for about 1 month post op as there are a LOT of pot holes in our town @Cruiser !  :(   I got to know where every one of them was, pretty quickly!!  

    I found that my lymph node site really just 'ached and was numb at the same time' rather than 'sore'!  It takes a while for that to go away. 

    Keep using that support pillow at night to help you stay comfortable & hopefully get some meaningful sleep.  xx
  • Cruiser
    Cruiser Member Posts: 12
    @arpie - thank you, I remember you talking about your long drive home from surgery and I had no idea just how bad it must have been for you until I had to experience it myself!! Thankfully mine was allot shorter trip. Mine is just sore but thankfully the lumpectomy site is not giving me any grief. The only time I have been taking that support pillow off my shoulder is when I go to the bathroom, the rest of the time I am surrounded by pillows :) 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    The area around the lymph node removal can be really sore.  Mine burned as if it was red raw.
  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    I can remember coming home a fortnight after surgery and completely forgetting to hold my boob on landing at Broome Airport, oh the pain! I swear the pilots just love to slap that plane down hard on the tarmac. 

    Problem now is, remembering that experience,  I always instinctively now grab my right boob and hold it for landing. The look on my FIFO mine worker seat companion's face is priceless!

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