High Blood Pressure

~Millie~ Member Posts: 61
Hi all, saw my GP yesterday. She freaked out about my blood pressure. Printed out my history. It's mostly been around 120/80. When I rocked up in June with my suspect lump it was 128/82. Now I've been finished active treatment for about 5 weeks and it's 143/88. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm not on any medication. Didn't do chemo, just radio. I'm now supposed to be checking my BP regularly at the chemist and going back to see the Dr if it doesn't get below 130/85. But, it's a hour round trip to the nearest chemist, and I'm not even sure if they have a machine. I was wondering if anyone knows of where you can rent / get a free hire of a blood pressure machine? One of the cancer support services? Health fund? someone else? thanks for your help. xx 
Ps.. yes, I re-read this, and the structure is appalling.. but my brain isn't making any improvements.. so I'll just post it.. xx :) 


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,474
    Did your GP give you any suggestions about how to lower it (apart from monitoring)?  Would not have thought that raised blood pressure was all that unusual for someone diagnosed with breast cancer and having treatment. She is of course right to try and get it back to normal. My oncologist suggested that chemo was sometimes good for high blood pressure!  But other things may help - exercise, relaxation techniques, deep breathing etc, reducing salt/alcohol (if applicable) may also assist. Sorry, can't help with a blood pressure monitor. Best wishes.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Have you gained weight recently? That can impact on BP. I doubt that any of your treatment should impact directly on BP. The idea of monitoring is just to see if it is a one off high or regularly high. Did  you just have a coffee beforehand etc. Local  chemist might actually hire out a BP machine. 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    I'm 3 yrs post chemo and developed high blood pressure this year grrrr and now am on medication. I tried everything as @Afraser suggested, diet, exercise etc., nothing worked. Though Ive had a highly stressful year, but they say too it can be hereditary well thats what they put mine down to and age. Uuuugh. Are you on any medication? as AI's can cause high blood pressure and I've been on them for 7yrs :/ mine was much higher than yours for a few months but its fine on medication. x
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I would try the local chemists for a hire machine - some of them do keep a stock of things they hire out.
  • ~Millie~
    ~Millie~ Member Posts: 61
    HI All, thank you for your replies. Put on 2 kgs since diagnosis, started having diet days this week, although I'm not overweight. Only started back at the gym a couple of weeks ago, hardly went at all between surgery and end of rads. No, Dr didn't recommend anything, and I didn't think to ask. But, she ordered some bloods, so will chat to her about it when I get those results in a couple of weeks. Not on any other medication. Going to the chemist today, so will ask them about hire. Thanks again. Best wishes to you all. xx
  • Artferret
    Artferret Member Posts: 259
    W hen my BP went up (similar readings to yours) it was mainly due to stress plus i do have a family history but never any probs before that. My GP had me wear a BP monitor for 24 hours so we could get an overall view and it averaged out ok. Over time my BP went back to normal and lower due to increased exercise. Though now when ever someone in a 'white coat' takes my BP it sky rockets...funny that. Ask about wearing one for 24 hours. It's a complete pain in the butt, particularly at night but it will give you an average. Your gym workout will also help especially if you are aiming for medium to high intensity exercise. All this happened with me before i went on an AI as well as after. I had no rads due to a trial I'm part of. I know when my BP is up cos I feel strange so I just check it as a matter of course (i ended up buying a machine from the chemist). If it's up i know something is roiling around in my sub conscious and has surfaced finally in the form of raised BP. For me i go hunting in my brain for what the trigger could be. Usually i figure it out and that's when everyting calms down. Good Luck, Cath  
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,538
    Amcal have their own brand BP machine to buy for $40
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,474
    Doctor induced blood pressure is a real thing! I can have mine taken in hospitals, pathology, at home, my cardiologist - all absolutely fine. My very pleasant GP? Goes up. Last visit it was what he described as "utterly acceptable" so we may finally have broken the hoodoo! 
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,538
    I have doctor induced perspiration. I hardly ever perspire except when I have to visit them. My BP was high only the once during chemo but I had just had a cup of coffee which short term raises the BP but may lower it in the long term. Seeing as I love my coffee I am happy to accept the long term thing, even if it is just another fad idea
  • ~Millie~
    ~Millie~ Member Posts: 61
    Thanks everyone! The chemist didn't have any for hire, but the lady there was lovely. 139/89, so one number has improved! She did recommend though, magnesium twice daily, along with lots of water. So, I'll give that a go for a few days and see what happens then. The Amcal machine sounds perfect! xx
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,474
    My cardiologist's off-sider (cardiac surgeon) recommended magnesium and @melclarity sings its praises too. Give it a couple of weeks, though! Good luck. 
  • LITHGOW1950
    LITHGOW1950 Member Posts: 314
    My husband needed to monitor his blood pressure. Our private health insurance covered the cost which I think was about $100.  Otherwise the Amcal on sounds good. 🌹
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Yes @Afraser I've found it amazing for the past 3yrs Ive taken it daily :) I currently use Ultra Muscleze Energy by BioCeuticals. It has 320mg of magnesium per scoop in water daily. Ive been using it for a few years and found it does help alot. Magnesium is the most important thing anyone can take and Vit D, as magnesium rejuvenates on a cell level throughout your whole body, so its like the baseline in nutrients to help your body. xx