
Fletch Member Posts: 102
This afternoon I went to the petrol station and after filling up, I realised I had left my water bottle at home. (36degrees here in Adel) Having just finished chemo a week ago, I did not want to be out and about without water.  I walked inside and went over to the fridge. Petrol is $1.67 here , bottled water...$4, gotta have both! I then went to pay and the staff guy told me that my petrol was already paid for. The lady running out the door had paid for my pump. Oh no! She’s paid the wrong pump.....I went to chase her and the guy stopped me and said no, she paid for her pump and yours on purpose!
Huh? Say What? 
Dont you know her? No! I don’t! Well , your petrol is paid for, he says, that’s good Karma! 
I just burst into tears.

I have no hair ,was wearing a chemo cap, only put in $20 petrol ,due to price, but why that happened to me , I do not know. But I’ve never had an experience like it and I will never forget it. Everything that gesture stands for blows my mind. I am so grateful, one day, when the time is right, I will pay it forward.

Footnote: For those who are wondering.....yes, I was quickly reminded I still owed $3.99 for the water! Lol.


  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    That's so nice - I wonder if that woman had some experience of cancer and how a gesture like that can be so big.
  • CarmelS
    CarmelS Member Posts: 269
    Lovely. Don’t worry sometime in the future you will come across someone that you will feel inclined to do the same for. You can’t look out for them you will just come across them. 
    I did a similar thing for a lady with a small child one day who was short at supermarket & when she started to put fruit back ( she didnt have any junk food). I got some cash out & just slipped it to her. She was happy. I was glad to have helped.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Wow there are some beautiful people out there!  
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    I so believe what you put out you get back.  Beautiful people around.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    That is just lovely--a true act of kindness and gesture of support. One small act like that, done without fanfare or expectation of reward or recognition, can make an immeasurable difference.

    You'll get a chance to do the same for someone else. I've made up shortfalls for other people at checkouts, but I have to admit there's usually nothing altruistic about that act--its just worth a couple of bucks to get them out of my way :) Mxx

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I was in the City a month ago waiting at Flinders Street Station for the train home at about 10pm. The only station colder is Richmond so I thought I'd warm up with a hot chocolate. I ordered and paid and then the next customer ordered and discovered he'd left his wallet at work. So I paid for his drink. We ended up having a really nice conversation which was worth far more than the hot drink! It takes so little to make someone's day but paying for someone's petrol is fantastic. What a kindness.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Wow - what a wonderful gesture - that brought tears to my ears, @Fletch    xx

    OMG @Blossom1961  - that is AMAZING!

    I had a lady help me when I was short changed once at a supermarket - and have helped others out as a consequence.

  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    @Fletch and @Blossom1961, your stories just made my day :smile: - restores my faith in humanity xx