Doctors Appointments

Stork Member Posts: 121
edited October 2018 in Day to day
How long are you under the care of the Surgeon and Onclogist for?
At present I see both specialists twice a year does it finished once all hormonal treatment is finished? For me it is 5 years.
Regards Stork


  • poodlejules
    poodlejules Member Posts: 393
    I've had a couple of issues so have been seeing them more regularly lately, but I'm nearly 2 years post diagnosis in the public system and the plan is to see my surgeon privately in his rooms yearly for a mammogram and a check up. Having said that if I feel the need to go back to the oncol clinic I'll just call the breast care nurse and make an appt there.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,302
    Hi @Stork
    I am coming up for my 12 month 'detection' anniversary' in Nov - so will have an Ultrasound & then see my Rad Onc after that (I think! I must check!!)   .... I had a lump scare a few months ago in the other boob & had a mammogram & US then - so no mammogram this time.  (All was good.)

    My Rad Onc explained how 'they' (all the specialists) would 'stagger' my appointments with her & the Onc & the Breast Surgeon - so that I would be seeing 'someone' basically every 3 months (or less) in the first year ..... then these appointment would lengthen in the 2nd year - and I assume yearly (or as needs basis) after year 3-5, if that makes sense? 

    Since starting AIs after Easter, I've seen my Oncologist every 6-8 weeks, to keep track of my side effects ..... and I imagine this will lessen next year to an 'as needs' basis perhaps?   (Tho I will be on AIs for 5 years at this point in time.)

    I have my 12 month surgery review with my BS in Jan.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,528
    My public surgeon says he will see me once a year for the rest of my life. Seeing as the women in my family live to around 100, that is another 43 years. No idea on the Onco.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I've been told ten years. Every three months for the first year, then six monthly, alternating between the oncologist and the breast surgeon. At some point it will drop down to yearly.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Alternating visits here, too.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    6 years on I see my oncologist and surgeon yearly, 6 months apart. Like others I am still on an AI so my oncologist wants to monitor bone density etc. Surgeon isn't suggesting stopping although very happy to date. Once a year mammogram and check is fine with me.