(Article) A Few Words About Fake Breasts



  • Lallaby
    Lallaby Member Posts: 17
    A great article. Thanks so much for sharing !
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    It is pretty much the same regardless of reconstruction choices. I think this person still sounds angry. And the  choice to remain flat also means no sensation to the chest. I'm sure the decisions without cancer but with a gene are much more complex in a lot of ways emotionally. Most people are unaware that reconstructed breasts don't include reconstruction of sensation, and most wouldn't think about it. And nipple sparing doesn't mean nipple sensation sparing either.

    Although implant enhancement is not remotely the  same unles you start moving around nipples etc. That would all depend on surgery choices but generally the implant is under the pec muscles so the breast and it's sensations are still in tact.

    The mind is a poweful thing and yes memory can be retrieved to enhance sexuality.  (Although I certainly didnt stand in front of a mirror pinching my nipples, I personally just retrieve moments of gentle lovemaking with the man I love) Interesting she didn't discuss phantom breast sensations. Those feelings make me feel my breasts are still there, regardles of what they are made of.

    I think it is a harsh view. Her view. But not the view of all. 
  • Vangirl
    Vangirl Member Posts: 379
    edited August 2018
    @primek yes, certainly it is one view and cannot be representative of all. 

    As for me, I have to admit I have my own prejudice against the idea of 'fake' boobs. Reading this article I realised I had been relieved to find out that implants weren't an option for me. I will be interested to see how I will feel about having a part of my own body excised and transplanted instead (DIEP flap).

    I'm fascinated that you have found yourself able to use memory to enhance your sexual experience. The brain is such a curious and amazing thing isn't it!?
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    I’m actually now leaning towards not getting a reconstruction on my single mastectomy unless I can get a perfect result (I’m very anal about symmetry) if it’s not perfect it will annoy me more than just having 1 boob. Might get it tattooed instead. 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I personally have my own prejudice against breast enhancements also . However I always had big boobs and had body confidence so it's ridiculous to think I would know what it's like. I do know for many women the enhancements are something they are very happy with and it's not my place to judge. (I don't get the women constantly getting bigger ones...that is an entirely different issue)
    I had huge boobs. With my bilateral and reconstruction I had a reduction. Both foobs now weigh about the same as one. I actually don't think I would have had enough body fat to create 2 big boobs but the size of my breasts now are pretty good and no spillage over the bra. I don't think twice wat they are nade of. They are a reconstruction. ..not the real thing  and never will be.
    As to own tissue. ..ask the question...is the sensation lost from the  harvested area also..like stomach etc.? I'm guessing it would be but perhaps just not discussed because again its all about appearance and matching a remaining breast or simulating previous breasts.

  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    I had a single mastectomy, no reconstruction. I do have some sensation in what's left - my surgeon left me 'a little baggy' (his term) in case I changed my mind about reconstruction. I haven't but am grateful for the tiny bit of cleavage! Don't know what I would have done if both breasts went. As it is, my preference is for a prosthesis. It fits well, looks normal, no more seroma risk, no scars elsewhere and nothing added. It's an intensely personal thing, but the main thing is to feel happy and comfortable about what you do. It took a while before I could strip off in a shared change room with equanimity but I can now. Everyone just looks at my wobbly thighs........
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    This experience for this lady has a whole different spin.

  • Vangirl
    Vangirl Member Posts: 379
    @primek I would say my prejudice is more against the idea of implants, rather than women who get them. I have heard a lot of commentary about them being too firm, sitting too high, and not ageing in sync with the other breast.

    I have a smaller bust size and my left, non cancerous, boob is slightly smaller than the right, but I am quite happy with the idea of having a smaller, hopefully matching, right breast.

    As to your question about whether there is sensation in a DIEP breast, I believe there should be. I am told it should feel more natural than an implant, warmer and softer.

    As with most things related to this situation, there's no 'great' option, which would be not to lose the breast, or have bits chopped out of it/them at all, just the best available and best suited to the individual.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited August 2018
    @Vangirl There is zero sensation in the central sections of my DIEP foobs, as there would be for anybody. The mastectomy removes all the breast tissue which includes nerves. If I trace my fingers from any part of the hemisphere, moving away from the body towards where the nipple would be and the sensation disappears a third to halfway along. My BS said that you can regain a little at the edges of this boundary as the nerves regrow, which takes many years.

    I am conscious of the warm mass on my chest. From the inside, it feels much the same as my breasts did before. It's very peculiar though when you get a shiver that would normally perk you up. It peters out where the sensation disappears.

    There is a large numb area in the middle of my belly. Circular, extending from just above my belly button to just below my abdominal scar (which is higher than normal). There is plenty of sensation along the scar either side of this numb spot. The PS said it could slowly return.

    I didn't stand in front of a mirror but I did squeeze my nipples a fair bit in the shower the night before my operation. Doing exactly what the woman in the article says, trying to imprint the sensation on my sense memory.

    The whole thing is very sad for me.
  • Vangirl
    Vangirl Member Posts: 379
    edited August 2018
    Thanks for that insight @kmakm

    I think I meant to say 'should be some sensation,' as that is what I have in mind.

    It is very sad. There are choices, but the one you want to have, which is to keep your existing breast/s is not one of them.

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I have some sensation on my breast  skin but not at the areas where the cuts are. It's important to be well prepared that all procedures don't restore feeling in the breasts.

    It is a sad part of this disease. 
    Although a lumpectomy for me would still have been loss of nipple so I doubt I would have had a better outcome. 
  • Vangirl
    Vangirl Member Posts: 379
    Thanks for the input @primek
    There is no option for lumpectomy for me as the tumour is very big and my breast, not so much!

    Also no option for implant because of the neoadjuvant radiotherapy.

    So two 'choices': Diep flap boob or no boob at all. Didn't fancy mucking around with chicken fillets down my bra for the rest of my life so the decision was pretty straightforward.

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    No agreed. I am aware others read the thread and think always important to have all the info.
    Agree ...I didn't want to be fussing with prosthesis either. Hense having immediate reconstruction and simplest procedure so not to delay my chemo. 
  • Vangirl
    Vangirl Member Posts: 379
    edited August 2018
    Absolutely @primek Important to have input from the perspective of those who have already been there - like yourself and @kmakm

    Everyone's experience will be different but I for one feel so lucky to be able to connect with women who have been there ahead of me. So hard to discuss the prospect or experience of losing our boob/s to those who haven't or will never go there!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2018
    I had a left LD reconstruction and it has transformed my life. I like looking down and having cleavage, and to feel like my old self. The operation was painful and the results are not entirely symmetrical, but coping with imperfection and scars is part of my post cancer life. I find the lack of sensation near the scars to the most upsetting part of having had cancer and I wish doctors would focus on it more. I would go through the pain and I accept all of the risks to be where I am today. I also respect everyone’s choice to reconstruct or not.