Cost of scans

RachaelBB Member Posts: 9
Hi there 
Does anyone know any alternative funding sources for scans eg MRI, PET etc? Not covered by Medicare or private insurance :( 


  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    It depends where you are, Rachael. Peter Mac had a 'slush fund' that they used to help me with the cost of a PET scan--the prospect of brain mets accompanying my recurrence was the reason I got a bit of a boost as I simply did not have the $900 it was going to cost.  MRI funding is a bastard situation if you already have BC; the only way around it is to go 'looking' for something else that is funded that just may be in the same place as your breast cancer concerns That requires a bit of finangling and a medico who is willing to bend the rules a little. Most won't which is completely understandable .

    It's distressing to know you can't afford some of these things, but the science isn't that convincing in many cases anyway. There are numerous women here who have had tumours discovered post surgery that did not show up on an MRI--that is particularly true for those of us blessed with lobular carcinoma.

    Paying for bone density scans pisses me off too, but I'm stuck with that until I'm porous enough to qualify as rooted.

  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    I must be very lucky with not having to pay for bone scans, MRIs and CT scans. They are all covered by Medicare. 
    My oncologist purposely sent me to radiology rooms which bulk bill MRIs. I was a bit reluctant  to go to this practice at first because it was their mammographer who had burst one of my implants. But, seeing that it had been eight years since that happened and it was a different test, I  went there to have my MRI. 

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,430
    RachelBB CanAssist in NSW can help with some things not sure about tests ask your BC nurse .