A legend running with hope

I had the pleasure of joining a small group of amazing women for lunch last week, here in Camberwell. The lunch was in honour of AFL Football legend Shane Crawford. Shane (or Crawf as we now call him! ) is donning pink joggers and running from Adelaide to Melbourne to raise money for BCNA.
It was at the Channel Nine's Pink Lady Footy Show when Crawf opened his mouth and said he would run for us. We didn't know why we were the chosen ones but we were excited. I am not sure if Crawf had really thought it through!
When we sat down to lunch this was one of the first questions the women asked 'Why us'. He responded "I couldn't imagine breast cancer happening to my mum."
Of course we instantly loved him!
I feel very honoured that I was there to hear the women sharing their own personal experiences and wishing Crawf well. He was clearly moved by what he heard from the women. Crawf said last week on the Footy Show that he was inspired and will be running with the hope and support of all breast cancer survivors.
What a champ!
To find out more on Crawf's run go to the home page and follow the links to That's what I am walkin about