Fabulous Doctor

CarmelS Member Posts: 269
Continually I am aware of what a fabulous GP I have. I have been with her since about 8 months before my BC diagnosis in 2011. She always does her best for me. The day before we left on a 10 week  trip 2 years ago she got me in with my regular imaging bloke  for an ultrasound because I had a suspicious little lump. Yesterday I had an appointment just to get a script but I had found a lump a few days earlier so with no chance of my regular imaging guy & despite the fact that I had my MRI & Ultrasound 3 weeks ago; she rang the U/S suite in her practice & they squeezed me in for an ultrasound right there & then . As we suspected it appears ok, maybe some fat necrosis (had lipofilling 2 months ago). The lady driving the U/S was lovely & told me what she thought it might be but off the record. They worded the referral so it was bulk billed as well.(I don't think every machine is allowed to do breast U/S bulk billed) She ultrasounded both breasts for her own piece of mind (off the record) & when the films had been reported on my lovely GP rang me at 6.30 last night to tell me all was good.
I hope that lots of you are blessed with the same caring doctors as I have been.
Have a great Christmas everyone.


  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    What good support from your GP and ultrasound people! Thanks for your Christmas wishes.  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas too. Best wishes from jennyss
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Nice to hear of positive and helpful action! Enjoy Christmas.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    What a great Gp
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    I’m so lucky to work as a nurse in an awesome gp clinic called medicrew beachmere. We have a gp and two nurse practitioners who go above and beyond every day and call patients too with results. They are all so thorough and pick up things when others haven’t so if you live brisbane north side and would like to give us a ring feel free. It’s worth the drive. Margie x