Letrozole/ Femara and eyesight

Romla Member Posts: 2,092
Hi all am now 4months into Letrozole and seem to be having some vision impacts - dialled up old faithful doctor google and there’s a lot or articles about the impact of Hormone Therapy on vision including some concerns re AIs. Is anyone else having any eye issues. I had glaucoma prior to breast cancer controlled by drops but now am needing laser treatment as my eye pressure is elevating.I have also noted dry eye esp when inserting drops. Saw the eye specialist Monday but will be seeing him again soon due to his concerns about my eye pressure and will be asking questions about what I have read.I gather eye impacts of Tamoxifen is well known but AIs less so.


  • Artferret
    Artferret Member Posts: 259
    I've only been on letrozole for a week but haven't noticed any eye issues as yet though I'm probably due for an eye test. My two biggest things are increased joint pain and tiredness.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,474
    I have been on Femara for four and a half years and have had no problems with pressure or glaucoma (had a scan recently and definitely fine on the glaucoma front). I do need treatment for cataracts but I am satisfied that is age related (my mother had treatment for same at roughly the same age) and not letrozole related. But your eye specialist is the go to person rather than Dr Google. A good specialist can glean the fact from the possible opinion and should be able to answer your questions. Good luck for your next consultation, hope it's all resolved. 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I feel my eyesight is a little different since chemo but I have waited for testing as wanted to give my body a chance for full cell recovery following chemo.

    Glaucoma is a progressive disease for many people and this may have happened regardless of treatment . We often do blame medication /treatment for things that may have just happened as part of ageing, normal disease processes.  Drs are often reluctant to say no its not anything to do with that just in case it is,  even though they might have mentally dismissed it. 

    I hope your treatment works well. Kath x
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Thanks ladies will be ringing in the morning for urgent appointment with eye specialist
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    I am to have laser treatment early December and now have an additional eye drop daily. I have dry eyes now and the Ganfort drops I have had for years sting a little. My eye specialist is aware there is some evidence of eye impacts from ARomatase inhibitors and will monitor- me I will continue the  Letrozole just wish sideeffects esp longer term were clearer as would be less worrying if it was known what to expect .Thankyou ladies once again for your kind support .
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Well several months down the track -eye pressure still too high so laser treatment which failed.15/5 had surgery - trabulectomy - to release pressure. Couple setbacks - a leak which healed and now pressure up again so more surgery 7/6. Whilst I recognise glaucoma is a progressive disorder the spike in eye pressure does seem to coincide with my starting Letrozole. Have asked eye specialist to advise oncologist of these changes and will discuss with oncologist next appointment.Put this post up just in case anyone else with glaucoma taking  an Aromatase Inhibitor .AIs are highly regarded for post menopausal women with Er+ breast cancer but not as fully understood as Tamoxifen and maybe this is an area for investigation.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Well that's a bugger @Romla. Bit rough to have to deal with this on top of everything else. Big hug, Kate xox
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Not fair @Romla!  I hope it's something that can be controlled.  Let us know how you go.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Best wishes being sent your way as you get on the better side of this!  What a so and so!  the hidden extras
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Can’t say for certain is a link @iserbrown just a coincidence and maybe one to look out for others not sure
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    @Romla perhaps a coincidence however it almost sounds like it has been aggravated so it will be interesting to see what the Oncologist has to say about it!  It's an awareness for us all on all medications.  
    If I remember right @Brenda5 had troubles with her eyesight after starting hormone therapy.

    Take care and I do hope that you get on top of it, soon!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,322
    That's a real Bugger, @Romla  - I feel for you & hope it settles down soon!  :(  

    I had laser surgery on my eyes back in 2000 (I used to be almost blind without glasses - they were bullet proof!)  Now I just need them for reading - cheapie from the chemist!    From memory my last glaucoma test was OK .... but I've been noticing things just a little more blurry recently, but only been on Letrozole for a couple of weeks - it could be from too much computer!   LOL 

    Thanks for the 'heads up'!
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    edited November 2018
    I have been on Femara since June and recently had an eye bleed - jury is still out but will be a topic of conversation with Onc early December.  The bleed was 3 weeks ago and last week went back for check up and normal eye checkup.  

    Ever since I was diagnosed with BC my Optometrist always does a pressure test.  Last week was my normal eye check up and they found dead cells in the eye socket and a patch on the back of the cornea - had 3 appointments to check during the week and another follow up this week and then another will be booked in for the day before Onc visit.  Is it co-incidental or is it a side effect?  The dead cells have subsided with drops however the patch is still there - the drops are meant to be curative!

    Upon reading Dr Google, which I am not a fan of as I can get my knickers in a twist, it would appear that there's a possibility of eye problems on this drug - geez it just keeps giving!

    This post was started sometime ago by @Romla

  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Yes @iserbrown I started it and still in the wars with my right eye - 3 operations under general anaesthetic and 2 laser surgeries this past 12 months all trying to control pressure to save my optic nerve and vision - the last surgery a week ago so apologies if spelling errors and thank goodness I can magnify text on my iPad.

    I have read online eye bleeds have been noticed on Letrozole.Oncs have fully investigated Tamoxifen but AIs are new so much less is known.Letrozole did not initiate my glaucoma but coincidentally my eye pressure has spiked since I started taking it.I noticed in a report by the American Ompthamology association calling for observations on patients on AIs which I drew to the attention of my eye specialist.

    I’d encourage you to visit an eye specialist - please ask around for a good one - as they have more accurate equipment for monitoring our eyes and I would hope greater knowledge.Also if there is a link between eye problems and AIs they are the medical practitioners who can bring it to public attention.

    What I am curious about is menopause with its faltering oestrogen is acknowledged as a contributory factor to eye problems then surely AIs which aim to remove oestrogen for Er+ bc patients may have eye impacts too ?

    Not trying to spook you @iserbrown but do follow up.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    @romla - no I am not spooked just a realist - as soon as it happened I thought oh no here we go!  Anyhow this week is the OCT test - copy and paste from internet 

    "...Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) ... To look out for the early signs of eye conditions, in case there's a more serious problem, we use an Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) device. It takes a detailed 3D image below the surface of your retina, giving us a more detailed picture of your eye health..."

    This test is not covered by Medicare nor health insurance.

    When I originally presented James said if we find anything untoward you are off to the Eye and Ear Hospital to see a specialist - however it was clear - I saw the photos but since then it has changed so now with appointments thus far and  this week I have to say they are keeping a watch

    Will let you know how I get on and what Michael the Onc has to say about it all

    To everyone else that's on these drugs it doesn't follow that you will have these problems however if something is not quite right don't muck about and get it seen to straight away as I did

    Take care