Tinnitus on Tamoxifen

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I was lucky during chemo that Tinnitus was not one of my side effects but now I am on Tamoxifen 18 months and am 55 years old I am one of the lucky 0.46% who has Tinnitus. During the day I can usually cope with it but sleeping is another thing. The FDA recently did a survey which was published this month.
That's interesting, thanks Brenda. I've been on Tamoxifen for about 2 years now and have developed Tinnitus over the past few months. I've been trying to work out why!1
I never connected the tinnitus to Tamoxifen. It’s probably under reported.0
I saw my oncologist the other day and reported the Tinnitus. He asked what brand of Tamoxifen I was on and I said I had been on Novladex D but in the last almost 2 months I had been on the cheaper Sandoz. He suggested I go back to the Novladex and see if the Tinnitus lessens or goes away. Worth a shot I guess?1
Can't possibly hurt! Certainly worth trying before anything more difficult.0
My tinnitus started after radiation. That was two years ago and it's been getting worse. I just thought it was one of those things but now I'm wondering if Arimidex also worsens it .?0