Water causing nausea

Fionap2017 Member Posts: 64
I've been told how important it is to drink 8 glasses of water a day on chemo and I know it helps in so many ways but drinking plain water is making me nauseous. I've been having cups of tea as well to try to increase my fluid intake. Has anyone else found a way to get the water down easier? I might try adding some lemon wedges or something to give it some flavour. Thanks!


  • Hendrix
    Hendrix Member Posts: 324
    Hi @Fionap2017, I was the same and found the sugar free lemon crush cordial helped me keep my fluid intake up...good luck xx
  • ac
    ac Member Posts: 9

    Hi, I have been adding a slice of lemon and some fresh ginger to my water and drinking it quite cold. good luck. I hope the nausea settles. x

  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    I know there is a theory about flushing the chemo out but I am not sure how accurate this is. The main point is not to become dehydrated. Drinking to the point of nausea is not necessarily helpful as you lose fluid if you are actually sick! Your urine colour is a good indicator of hydration (light and clear is good, dark is not). Remember that many foods contain fluid too. Sucking ice blocks may be another option, especially as the weather warms. Certainly go for pleasant flavours ( sugar free preferably). Good luck.
  • Scooper
    Scooper Member Posts: 113
    Hello. I have had the same problem. I have been drinking plain sparkling water. Of course this is not probably healthy enough.  Cordial is also good. Hate that sugar free crap. Or really cold water with loads of ice and lemon. Good luck. Xxxx
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Soda water worked for me. The fizz helps lift the scum off your tongue as well. A slice of lemon can help. Don't get too obsessed with the 8 glasses thing, but do watch your wee and make sure that you drink regularly. Small sips over time will work just as well as slugging back a glassful every hour. If you are having AC it's quite satisfying to keep chugging down fluids until the red dye disapears. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    I find soda water works well for me
  • wendy_h67
    wendy_h67 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 466
    Soda water with a slice of lemon or lime ,is not a bad drink. Also watermellon contains alot of fluid. I dont think I ever drank 8 glasses of water in a day while I'm  on chemo.Just keep hydrated especially when the weather warms up.
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    I drank that mt Franklin sparkling flavoured water. Couldn’t stand normal water made me feel Ill too. But the one I just mentioned was awesome made me burp heaps as well with all the bubbles and not sickly sweet either  so that helped with the gut issues too. Hope this helps. Margie xx
  • Juliw
    Juliw Member Posts: 1
    I bought a 750 ml drink bottle and each morning pop in a couple of slices of fresh orange and fresh lemon and try to refill bottle 3 times a day.  Having one bottle seems to make me get through more water rather than counting number of glasses drank.  I also make sure to drink a glass during the night if I wake..Good luck!! Julie x
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  • Fionap2017
    Fionap2017 Member Posts: 64
    Thanks so much everyone, I will give some of your ideas a try. It's only 4 days since my first dose of chemo so this is all new and I'm still working out what is going on with my body and what helps. 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Water made me ill. I drank lightly flavoured mineral waters and cups of tea. As long as it's fluid it really doesn't matter too much. 
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  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    Hi @Fionap2017, Water has always made me gag, even before chemo. I can manage a mouthful to swallow tablets but that is about it. I live off lassi's. The yoghurt is good for your gut and mouth. I half fill a blender with plain yoghurt then add whatever fruit I want (bananas, blueberries etc) sweeten with honey and lots of ice. Most of my food is raw and contains lots of water. I eat fruit and only drink cold pressed juices which are expensive but can be easily watered down. Once watered down you can add a teaspoon of chia seeds to give it even more substance. Throw in a few goji berries as well and it's way more than a drink. (I've still got 4 taxols to go and couldn't feel more internally liquified, like all my muscles have turned to jelly). Cheers and good luck with finding what's best for you.