Post treatment ongoing side effects/ niggles

Romla Member Posts: 2,092
Is it just me getting spooked by these and is there any details anywhere about possible ongoing side effects or physical niggles as it would sure help allay my anxiety


  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    No @Romla it is certainly not just you who worries about those side effects and niggles. Most of us are quite a bit more anxious about things after diagnosis and treatment.

    In many ways (I am nearly 5 years post diagnosis) I think that perhaps our biggest battle is to find a way to live well (and with less anxiety) after active treatment ends.

    It does get easier as time goes on and with experience, I guess. As a rough guide my doctors say that give a new pain or symptom a two week time limit. If it has not gone away during that two weeks then get it checked. My GP is wonderful about anything I have a concern with and I have had a few checks on different things that have persisted past that 2 week time frame.

    This network is also a great place to seek reassurance. There is often someone with a similar experience who can help.

     It is normal to worry but if you find it is overwhelming you then seeking help from a counsellor is often something that can help you to feel less anxious and improve your quality of life. Take care. xxx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    @Romla Hi!  I understand your thought process however we all react differently to ongoing side effects so to categorise as such is very difficult. 
    Yes I agree with Deanne it is normal to worry but if you are struggling to the point of anxiety perhaps a chat with a Counsellor may help to give you some coping mechanisms. 
    For me I occasionally have niggles that drive me nutty but my thoughts aren't necessarily, is it back, it is more about goodness me these damned side effects, they are driving me nuts!!
    Hope you can settle your anxiety.  Take care xx 
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Thanks@Deanne - would be a bit easier if I knew a little of what to expect - it’s 5 months since radiotherapy and have suddenly an inflamed sore breast with a semi inverted nipple which I had checked by my oncologist this morning. Am ok and is side effect from radiotherapy and would be an issue for many months to come
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    That sounds like something that would worry most of us, @Romla. Good that you have had it checked and at least know what has caused it.

    You have probably noticed that each of us seem to have different reactions, side effects, etc to treatments. So I guess past that typical list of side effects that we are usually given for each treatment, we just have to check anything unusual or concerning out as individuals. 

    Hope that your symptoms are not too disruptive for long. Did your oncologist suggest anything to relieve the discomfort? xox
  • HIT
    HIT Member Posts: 261
    Hi Romla once treatment ends sometimes I think the hard times come.  Almost 4 yrs since diagnosis for me and I'm getting better at the sit and wait if anything new comes up - I still stress when it comes to my 6mnth appts though.  I started doing a diary (just a cheap exercise book) that has helped me heaps of times.  You think its something new or can't remember how long something has been happening (when those low times come everything is a cancer symptom!) and I read back and realise I have felt like that before, or its only been a while....  The wait 2 weeks thing is an excellent idea.  Funny my surgeon said to me that radio left the most damage to the body, I didn't agree at the time when I had quite a few leftovers from chemo, come to think of it still have some leftovers!!!  This site is great too hey.  Glad the latest problem worked out and hope its the last one for you.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Really we all worry. I had a red spot on my scar line and was terrified it was recurrence. It wasn't. But the fear is there and really we just have to talk ourself through these things. Speak to Drs when worried and if it becomes an preoccupation of constant worry where it is sucking out the joy everyday. Well then you might need counselling around that then. Otherwise on we go. Worry and all. Kath x
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Hi ladies - my surgeon said it will be easier when I get to know the impacts on my body  of treatment and come and see him if I have any concerns - he literally  saw me 12 hours after I rang which is amazing and am very grateful. Am going back to daily creaming with Dermaveen until it stabilises. I too like the two week tip but need to also avoid doctor google - a dreadful trap for the anxious. So have my head back on my shoulders and moving forward again - Thankyou for your kind support.