When will my hair start to grow back??

Brenleigh Member Posts: 17
Hi all, just wondering how long it took for your hair to start to grow back? It is nearly 5 weeks since my last chemo and still hardly any hair growth, especially on the top of my head. I just had lunch with a friend who finished her chemo 3 weeks ago and she has 1cm growth already. feeling a little jealous!! We both had similar treatments, I, AC/paclitaxel she had AC but had a reaction to paclitaxel so they changed her to docetaxol. whats your thoughts? cheers Benda


  • Cynth6
    Cynth6 Member Posts: 189
    Hi @Brenleigh I'm much the same as you. I'm 6 weeks post chemo and the back of my hair is about 1cm but it's very fine, almost "fluff". The top of my head I just noticed today has just began to grow. My eyelashes are tiny as and I can just barely see my eyebrows beginning to grow. 
    It takes time unfortunately. I'm not one patient person ! It's normal to feel a bit jealous if your friend has more hair but I guess we are all different too. 
    Hang in there, it'll happen. X
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there mine started growing back about 6 weeks post finishing chemo in oct last year I started going out without my bandana around December. . It does take time that’s for sure. Margie x
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Like everything with chemo, it's variable!! Mine started growing while I was still on Taxol, which was surprising (but good).  The fluff stage can last for a while too, which is frustrating. It can also take a long time changing texture and colour, but that's much easier to handle once you actually have hair back. Best wishes for speedy growth.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Mine started growing back on taxol yet my friend had nothing until about 6 weeks.
  • Kat09
    Kat09 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 269
    My hair started growing back on Taxol also and now  4 months after finishing chemo I have a fairly thick crop of hair. Eyelashes and brows came in a couple of months ago too, Yay!! When it first started growing back it was very soft and fine but I have been having it trimmed every 6 weeks or so and it has helped it not only thicken up but has given it a bit of a style to grow into. I probably wouldn't have had my hair cut this short as I have always had at least shoulder length hair since I was young, I actually love it and how easy it is although I do want it to be a bit longer still.
  • poodlejules
    poodlejules Member Posts: 393
    I finished Chemo six months last week and my hair is about 1.5 inches (showing my age!)  long now . I ditched the wig back in July and haven't looked back.My eyelashes fell out twice but have grown back again. Eyebrows not so good but a dear friend bought me Benefit brow products which are pricey but very good! Good luck with it all x