Bowel screening callback

Vallerina Member Posts: 183
Hi ladies ..... Just numb .    Ive got an appointment to see ps for my nipple on thursday. Journey coming to an end. Yay feeling great. Till today dr rings regarding the govt bowel screening test i just did last week.  Can they see me 8.30 tomorrow. Yeah i know its probably nothing but omg  cancer really happens i know that now. All i read tells me im off for a colonoscopy blah blah. I already had cin 3 cervical dysplasia diagnosed on screening  pap smear dcis breast cancer diagnosed on screening mammo now bowel screening call back. Im like poster girl for screening all caught early exactly how its sposed to be.  Thankful but Scared. Im the tall fit strong healthy young looking girl this isnt supposed to happen to. This is just a vent really. Yep the  s@#$ really does hit the fan after 50.  Vallerina. 


  • Brenleigh
    Brenleigh Member Posts: 17
    Hi @Vallerina try not to stress to much. I know a lot of people who have been called for further investigations but they ended up getting the all clear. We all think it will never happen to us and when it does reality hits. None of us is immune. I have my fingers crossed for you, sounds like you have had your fair share.
    All the best Brenda
  • Vallerina
    Vallerina Member Posts: 183
    Thank you.  Brenda :)  ill see what gp has to say in the morning.bx
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey @Vallerina I'm crossing fingers for you that it's a polyp, which they still have to check out. Wishing you all the best, let us know how you go. Xx Cath
  • Vallerina
    Vallerina Member Posts: 183
    Thanks cath. Normally id b blase about this but the timing is bad!!!!
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Dear oh dear! Hopefully it's minor! Take care 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Take heart, it is likely to be nothing serious. Polyps are common! Fingers crossed, it's amazing how welcome  a polyp can be.
  • Vallerina
    Vallerina Member Posts: 183
    Yep thanks ladies. Afraser yep a polyp would b awesome  like u feel ultra lucky after a mastectomy  Its all a matter of perspective. Its gonna b fine but just threw me for a minute. I will b ok. :-) xx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I skipped the kit and just went straight to scope as I had pikes so it woukd boubd to ve blood (dueo friggin chemo) Im confident snything there the chemos git it already. But Ii get the worry. Kath x
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766

    Good luck this morning @Vallerina
    As stressful as it is to be called back it is good your doctor is being cautious.  Thinking of you, let us know how you get on. Jane x

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I haven't bothered with the screening kit at all. I looked in to it and it is fairly easy to get a false positive and it is just as easy that the test won't pick up colon cancer anyway. I hope your appointment yields the former.

  • Vallerina
    Vallerina Member Posts: 183
    Thanks ladies i saw gp this morning . Im on the list for colonoscopy now. The govt issued screening test is purely looking for occult blood not cancer. Colonoscopy looks for polyps as they hav potential to become cancerous. Worth knowing and treating but  a bit of a pest  right now. I didnt hav chemo as my bc was dcis caught early . 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Good result - hopefully you feel a little more settled
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    That's great news Vallerina!  I had a routine colonoscopy in May - the prep isn't pleasant but it's just a day out of our lives to get a thorough check and have peace of mind.  
  • Vallerina
    Vallerina Member Posts: 183
    Yes definitely.@Hopes&amp;dreams  Thanks. As I said Im poster girl for screening and definitely believe in taking advantage of any opportunity of early detection. Its saved me twice already. I babysat my new granddaughter for the first time today.... So adorable..... anything else is now in perspective   :):)<3