What's been happening in Choosing Breast Reconstruction

mum2jj Member Posts: 4,321
Hi ladies just a snapshot of what's been happening in our group in the last few weeks if you have forgotten to pop over and check in.

We have a member asking about exercises after implant reconstruction

A query about the cost of private reconstruction which is a popular topic, as is the post about reconstruction in the public system.

Another member posting about Wait times for reconstruction

Mel has shared a nice timeline with her DIEP revision surgery, nipple recon with breast lift of her other breast. she posts at two days, two weeks, , and six weeks post op. Great to see her progress.

Another member posts about her final fill of expanders, and her struggles in the early days after changeover

It is lovely to see our members all supporting one another and we have a great group of ladies who really help with this. @primek , @nikkid and @melclarity are stars at this. I hope we can continue with this as our members have their surgery and then can help the newbies who come behind them.  It does make such a difference to our ladies.

If you are in the central coast then you might like to attend the support lunch on October 8th and connect with others who are on the breast reconstruction journey.

If you are new and would like to join our group then just click on groups and look for choosing breast reconstruction. We have a great selection of photo stories that have been generously shared by our members.

Don't forget our group is private and posts don't appear in the main forum so pop over now and then and see what's happening and lend some support or ask any questions of the group.

Happy Saturday
Paula @mum2jj and the other group leaders
Chris @Chorsell
louie @LouiseTurner
Alex @alexinbrisbane
Jane @Jane221
