Would like some advice.

Janny54 Member Posts: 89

Hi All

I am wondering if anyone could give me a bit of advice. My left arm  ( the side I had my Operation ) since Saturday seems to be a bit swollen. I did  clean windows and other house work Saturday. We have painters in.

My question is Should I go to the GP or my Surgeon if I think it needs looking at. I am at the Oncologist Thursday for another Chemo.

Hope you are all doing OK


Jan. xx


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Have you a breast care nurse? Speak with her if you do. Othetwise ring the surgeons rooms asap. It could be lymphodema. They should be able to organise an appropriate referral. Your GP could possibly do this too but don't delay seeking help. If lymphodema it needs to be sorted quickly. 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Get in and have it looked at. Which is a pain in the backside, but you do not want lymphoedema, or cellulitis, at this stage. Or ever.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Agreed, the sooner you get on to lymphoedema the better. The thought may scare, but the reality, if treated early, is manageable. Cellulitis (is the skin red at all?) is potentially serious and needs to be treated (antibiotics) straight away. It may of course be neither but don't take any risks. Best wishes. 
  • Janny54
    Janny54 Member Posts: 89

    Thank You Ladies.

    I went to the GP yesterday. She thinks it could be the start of Lymphoedema. Am to keep an eye on it. Will see the oncologist this morning and let him have a look. I actually think its not as bad this morning. But that could be just wishful thinking on my part.

    Best Regards


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    I would consider going to a physio that specialises!  I go to one and I don't have lymphoedema but what I did have was some swelling and coldness.  I went again yesterday for a follow-up as there are muscles that were upset when I had the mastectomy and she has worked on that as well as a lymphatic drainage massage.

  • PamelaP
    PamelaP Member Posts: 23
    Yes I would recommend a Physio who is a Lymphoedema specialist, my surgeon recommended a good one to me when I had cording after surgery.  
  • Janny54
    Janny54 Member Posts: 89

    Thanks Ladies.

    I have an appointment with a Lymphoedema specialist on Thursday.

    Today tho I have noticed my ankles are swollen a little. Fair to say that today is not a good day and I am really peed of with all that is going on at the moment. I really don't need any more appointments to go to.

    Thanks for listening needed a bit of a vent today.



  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    The ankles could well be chemo related. I know mine were a problem during chemo. If become really swollen see a Dr urgently,  otherwise make sure you tell your oncologist about it. 
  • Janny54
    Janny54 Member Posts: 89

    Thanks @Primek. I only have 3 more chemo's to go so don't want anything to get in the way. I will tell the Oncologist on Thursday if they are still the same.

    Just a bad day today I think.


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    It didn't stop mine, just need to be aware. Sometimes you might need lasix tabkets which will help you to pee it off. 
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Get on to GP or oncology to see the physiotherapist. It is probably a bit of lymphodema which I had quite bad right down to my hand swelling. I was given a slip on compression sleeve and gauntlet to bring down the swelling. Oncology said it can be a side effect during chemo and it has never swollen that bad again.
  • Janny54
    Janny54 Member Posts: 89
    Am feeling a bit happier today. Went to the Oncologist and he thinks the ankle swelling is the chemo. 

    Then to the Lymphedema specialist. They think it's cording so had some laser treatment and massage and shown some things to do at home.

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Oh great stuff.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Feeling a bit happier, regardless of why, is always a very good thing. xx