Recurrence after many years

Mamajugs Member Posts: 4
It's my first time posting here so apologies if I am doing it wrong! 

I wanted to share my story so far and also get some advice.

I had breast cancer in 2003 at age 41. I found a lump myself, had lumpectomy and axillary clearance  and 2 days later mastectomy as pathology showed sattelite cancers around the main tumour. I had chemo but no radiotherapy and Tamoxifen for 5 years. 2 years later I had a silicone implant reconstruction.

4 weeks ago I found a lump next to my implant. Turned out to be a Rotters lymph node completely taken over by cancer. These nodes sit between the pectoral major and minor muscles and werent cleared at the original surgery.

I have had every scan/test available and there is no sign of distant metastases and the lump was removed last week. My dr thinks that it is from the original cancer cells left behind 14 years ago and grown slowly.

Now I am waiting for an oncology appt. I am reslly hoping I dont need chemo again, feel sick at the thought of it. I never had radiotherapy first time around....

Hubby and I have just retired and have our big overseas trip planned in August. Has anyone had any experience of delaying treatment for a few months? I would really love to have the trip first.


  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    It doesnt sound like the same agressive one I had and yours has taken years to be detected. Another few months probably won't hurt before treatment. Alter your diet and eat everything red or black which should help and not too many alcoholic drinks.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Once you're in that Oncologist office the timing will be clear as they are the experts.  When I saw my breast surgeon I had a major event coming up that I had organised and didn’t fit in with Breast cancer.  I wanted 2 weeks and he gave me 4 days. My pathology showed that the cancer had grown in those 4 days. Now I  mutter to myself but go with their direction. 
    Too many variables for us to give you the answer. Hopefully he'll say enjoy that trip and book in to see me upon your return. Best wishes 
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    On the plus side the bc has been found and is treatable. With treatment you can enjoy many more years to come.
    On the downside a trip you very much want to take.  Hopefully treatment can be delayed but if not well so be it.
    I feel for you and wish things were different.

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited July 2017
    The pathology might show the same slow growing cancer .(how they survive is astounding eh? ) So you might just need an aramatose inhibitor and possibly radio...possibly not. I guess it's a question to ask your specialist. Normally they like to start chemo within 6 weeks of surgery or less. I know you don't normally have same chemo twice, which might be a benefit physically at least.  Kath x
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    So sorry to hear of your recurrence.  I too had one but only 18mths after first diagnosis.  I did have to do chemo again, but as the girls have said your team will review your path and make a decision then.  With my first diagnosis we had a huge OS holiday booked, we had to cancel which was not good at the time.  However when we eventually did get to go it was even sweeter and nice to go with all the treatment behind us.
    Hugs to you and wishing you all the best.
    Paula xxxxx
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    Hi mamajugs, like you,I had a lumpectomy and full node clearance back in 2003 when I was 47.I had radiation but no chemo. So my cancer came back in the same spot 7 years later despite clear margins and radiation.Go figure!! I had to have a mastectomy,chemo and Tamoxifen for 4yrs.That was 2010 and I've been fine since. You'll have to get your pathology back to determine your treatment.I have a friend who has had cancer in her lymph nodes for the last 20yrs- it never travelled and she just has it treated and monitored.It sucks that you have to face bc again but you are not alone. Fingers crossed that you may just need a radiation zap and/or anti hormone drugs.Thanks for your info about the pec lymph nodes- something we don't think about.Hopefully,you can get it all sorted before your big trip.xx
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    I had a recurrence after ten years. Just when I thought I may have skated free of the disease. It sucks.

    There's no point guessing what will be recommended for your treatment. I can only wish you luck and say that the best thing to do is ask really salient questions that take your current plans into consideration. While cancer treatment follows fairly set regimes, there is sometimes room to juggle things around. The only thing you can do is ask. Marg xx

  • Mamajugs
    Mamajugs Member Posts: 4
    Thanks girls for your comments. I don't even know what stage this is considered to be at. The surgeon says it is unusual to have this type of recurrence. Will let you know what the oncologist says...still wating to hear about an appointment. 
  • Mamajugs
    Mamajugs Member Posts: 4
    Hi Ladies, I have had my oncology appointment - chemo not recommended this time but radiotherapy asap and also Letrozole for 5 years and 6-monthly infusions of zoledronic acid. Has anyone had serious side effects from these drugs? Cheers. :)
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey @Mamajugs, good that you've got that treatment plan sorted out. Xx
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Hi mj i have had no major issues with leterzole one year on..i also have good bone density so no issues with joint pain. L can affect joints so  increase calcium and vitamin d. Also on low dose blood pressure and anti cholesterol meds..recc bone density test if you have not done so. ALL BEST BRiGHT
  • Mamajugs
    Mamajugs Member Posts: 4
    Thanks Brightspace, bone density check next week and I have started taking vit d. Had some bloods done yesterday and wont be surprised if I need chol meds as I was high side of normal range before. Cheers! Mamajugs
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Mamajugs that's awesome news! Get onto the magnesium 350g (1 scoop) in water daily too as well as Vitamin D. Hugs Melinda xo