Onto the next stage weekly chemo

lgray3911 Member Posts: 207
Hello Ladies,
It's been a while since I've posted but I have been checking in on you all. So I finished my 4 AC sessions which happened once every 3 weeks and by some stroke of luck got through them with very little side effects, have been so lucky. I start my weekly chemo on Tuesday for 12 weeks and am a bit worried that I won't handle it as well because I don't have the recovery time between sessions. Has anyone had a similar treatment plan. How did you go? Thanks in advance for any feedback. Xx


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    You'll be find. It doesn't have the big wipe out then recovery of AC. About halfway through it catches up, I got really tired, and had lots of minor issues and aches and pains which made me a bit miserable. Hopefully you'll have limited side effects. We all respond differently.
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    I had similiar 4 AC fortnightly then Taxol weekly.  You should be okay. I am presuming you are having Taxol and if you are Taxol is so much easier to handle. I think Ac is the worst of chemo but dont know for sure. I also got very fatigued towards the end of sessions. I also developed neuropathy in feet and hands this has now subsided. 
    We are all different and some ladies were able to work part time through the treatment   best wishes
  • Cynth6
    Cynth6 Member Posts: 189
    I did AC fornightly and really struggled with side effects. 
    I've now had 2 rounds of taxol and it's so much tolerable and nothing compared to AC. Im even going back to the gym next week and have so much more energy. 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I too had few symptoms with A/C but got a few more with Taxol - most end with the treatment though. Lost most of my taste buds - very good for losing weight! Watch the tingling fingers and toes, as peripheral neuropathy can linger. Staff can advise what to do to help.
  • Lmc1310
    Lmc1310 Member Posts: 120
    Great news with your reaction to ac! I started off ok with ac but ended up with mucositis in my lower intestine. Taxol was postponed for rhree weeks. I've had 9/12 taxol and very minor side effects other than increasing exhaustion with each dose. I'm thinking that may be becausebof my age (65) so you may not have the same. Plenty of members on this site continue to work. We are all respond differently. I have super mild neuropathy in finger tips and one small skin spot on my chest apparently common with taxol but luckily has gone. I have lost a couple of kilos as the thought of food makes me ill. I crave junk food occassionally (chicko roll, chips and potato scollops - from my childhood) but once eaten i cannot stomach again. My husband makes me smoothies. Thinking of you and i love that taxol infusions are so much quicker than ac. Plus my hair is already around half a centimeter 'long'. Enjoy your break between ac and taxol. Xo
  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    I did taxol first.  Diarrhea for twelve weeks but manageable and hand and foot syndrome. I'm now due for my last ac in couple of weeks. So far I've done ok on both. Good luck.