One year coming up

Chanel Member Posts: 72
Hi Ladies, how are you travelling?
its been a while since I dropped by . I hope you are all going well. Life goes on regardless!
im coming up for my one year check up soon . 
You never really get over this do you? I sometimes lie in bed at night and relive what happened. My mind seems to still want to come to terms with it all.  Every day is a new day,I  choose happiness whenever I can, but also know to cry is to let it out and let it go.
live light and peace
 Peta x


  • Bevkk
    Bevkk Member Posts: 26
    Hi Chanel
    I hope it all goes well for you. I have just had my 1 year checkup and all clear. It is a stressful time waiting for the latest results but we have to stay positive. 
    Hugs Bev 
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Hello @Chanel, I'm also coming up for my 1year checks. I try to push the "what ifs" to the back of my mind but the niggling doubt is always there.  We are all changed by going through breast cancer and you are so right Peta when you say that we choose happiness. I count my blessings every day, including having all these wonderful women from the forum in my life.
    sending a hug and wishing you all the best with your results. Let us know how you go. Jane xx
  • Chanel
    Chanel Member Posts: 72
    Thank you both xxxx love and hugs to you also 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    The check-ups are tough @chanel It does get better, A bit better.
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey Chanel, had mine two weeks ago, can't believe how nervous I was. Thankfully all good. Hope yours are too. Big hugs (also to you Jane @Hopes_and_Dreams, and congrats @bevkk on yours) Xx  Cath
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    Wow, lots of you having that one year anniversary. It can be nerve racking, but a great feeling to finally mark off a milestone. Hugs to you all. 
    Paula xx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Hi Chanel

    Good luck with your upcoming review. You are quite right we never really get over it!  It is there as a reminder occasionally but aren't we fortunate that we live in times where research and treatments are constantly improving.  Wishing you all the best and more settled times, as you say, as your mind comes to terms with it all.  
    Take care
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Just as before waiting for the test results is more nerve racking than the tests themselves. May you have an uneventful test and results. <3
  • Cowgirl1
    Cowgirl1 Member Posts: 66
    Hi Chanel, my first mammogram is in a couple of weeks just don't know where that year has gone. I am a bit worried as I have lymphoedema in my breast and some hard fibrosis tissue so I'm not looking forward to being squashed. Then see my surgeon the following week I am trying not to think to much as it will start playing on my mind. Although I still a few problems when I look back to when I had surgery and the pain 24/7 life is good we forget how far we have come in a year.xx
  • Chanel
    Chanel Member Posts: 72
    Hi yes so true . It does play on your mind. I downloaded a calm app on my phone and I find it helps still my mind. We will never really get over having Cancer we just have to learn to stay in the present moment where we are fine. I wish you well with yr check up. Let me know how you go xxxx
  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    Hi Chanel time moves on and every check up is stressful. I'm just passed my 3 year anniversary. 
    Cancer will always be part of our lives now, but it is not the only thing in my life.
    Every day is a blessing
  • Chanel
    Chanel Member Posts: 72
    Yes every day is a blessing and I wish you many blessings x
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    @Chanel glad you are  fit and healthy  a year down the track.
     I dont know how anyones mind comes to terms with cancer.  One day normal the next day not.grrrrr
    The most baffiling thing is we 
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    @Chanel to continue the most baffling thing is we dont know how to stop cancer. If only we had a list to follow.
    I believe in years to come there will be breakthroughs. In saying that look how far we have come in treatment.
    A silly thing I like the way we now take temperature a quick click in your ear far better than sitting there with a thermometor and told not to move. Onwards. I agree choose happiness.