My book on fear of recurrence is published!!!

positive3negative Member Posts: 323
edited June 2017 in Health and wellbeing
Hi everyone. 
Well, it's finally here! I got the email from Amazon Kindle this morning telling me that my book on dealing with fear of recurrence has now been published! Here's the link:

I've listed it at $5 US (because I think prices with 99c on the end of them are so annoying) but over the next month or so I'll run a promotion offering it for much less so that anyone that can't afford the cover price will be able to buy it. 

I'm afraid it's only available on Kindle. This keeps the cost down. There's an option on Amazon to also release it in paperback but that's going to require me to do some technical stuff with the manuscript and cover. I'm still trying to decide if it's worth it. 

If you don't have Kindle on your device then just use the link above to find my book and you'll see an option to download a kindle reader to your computer, phone or tablet for free. 

Thanks so much to everyone on this site for all of your amazing encouragement. There are too many of you to name. You know who you are. When days were dark, you were the people that kept me writing and sharing and being part of this wonderful community. Special mention to Michelle whose warm and encouraging messages sustained me through the rough patches. You were also the very first to say, "You should write a book." 

If you do decide to read the book please let me know what you think. 

Love and gentle hugs to all.
Meg [removed by moderator]


  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    Oh Meg - that is just wonderful!  I only have Kobo so will download the Kindle reader now!  Feeling so proud of you and your impressive achievement! xxx  Michelle
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Yay!!! Thats so awesome! Congratulations!!! M x
  • ccasper
    ccasper Dragonfly Posts: 190
    Well done. A worthy read no doubt! Xx
  • Karenhappyquilter
    Karenhappyquilter Member Posts: 242
    I have downloaded it and started reading it last night.  You write very beautifully.  Thank you.  Karen 
  • positive3negative
    positive3negative Member Posts: 323
    Thanks so much to everyone for all your encouragement. Michelle, you're such an inspiration. There's a surprise for you on the final page of the book. :smiley:
  • PaulaN
    PaulaN Member Posts: 237

    WOW Thats fantastic. This is my big fear so I'll be sure to get it.
  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    Meg,  just skipped to the last page.  I feel very honoured at being mentioned.  You have made my year! xx Michelle
  • roselady
    roselady Member Posts: 1
    Hi Meg, I have just downloaded your book onto my kindle, was $6.74 US I am dying to read it, will start tonight.
  • Lmc1310
    Lmc1310 Member Posts: 120
    edited May 2017
    Enjoyed your book immensely Meg and packed full of sensible, achievable and useful strategies. I wish it was in book form however as I like to use post it notes etc to highlight key points. I do hope it goes into print. Thank you for sharing your valuable insights. 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Fantastic ...Ive just purchased via Australian Amazon.
  • positive3negative
    positive3negative Member Posts: 323
    For all those that have asked for a paperback version, it's now available on
    Thanks to everyone for the lovely comments and feedback, both here and on the site reviews.  <3
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    Hi Meg. I bought your book and it's a great read. I find it so empowering. As you say the strategies are not just for cancer survivors but for anyone struggling with anxiety and other worries. I am off to buy the paperback for my mother. She is a survivor of torture and has suffered terribly with PTSD all her life. We have a loving but at times difficult relationship because her worries and anxieties consume every part of her. Your descriptions of the ways we get frightened really resonated with me, especially when you describe how some people hang on to their fears tightly - that's my mum. I am hoping your strategies will help her. Congratulations on a great book. I have been writing fiction all my life and it has always been my dream to be published but I have never had the courage or know how to attempt it, so well done. What an accomplishment!!
  • positive3negative
    positive3negative Member Posts: 323
    Dear Nadia, thank you so much for this beautiful comment. If you would like help publishing your work I recommend It has all the information you need about how to get a book ready for publication. I also did a short UDEMY course when they had their $15 sale and that was really useful too, but if I'd seen the Amazon site first I probably wouldn't have bothered. If you've already got something ready to publish you can get it formatted for kindle at There's also people on that site that will design a cover for you. Once you've published a Kindle book, Amazon now give you the option of also releasing it in paperback, which (of course!) requires a whole new round of reformatting but hey, an actual book! It might be that my book never sells more than a few dozen copies and that's okay. It was great fun writing it and helped to embed all of these techniques for me. It also helped me recover my brain from chemo fog. And it's helped at least a dozen people already, including you, so I couldn't be happier. 
    My advice regarding your own work would be to just set aside a slice of time every week to make it happen. You'll be published before you know it. It's not courage but persistent effort that gets results. <3