Chemo - New Member Redflower posted this on Activity page...

SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,429
edited April 2017 in Newly diagnosed
Hi I am new to this..I am 41 married 19 years and have 2 kids. 14 yr old son and 12 year old daughter.   got diagnosed 3 weeks ago have had lump and 2 nodes removed which were clear. phew
 the next week i had my portacath(?) put in.. which i am yet to name..annoying painful buggar comes to mind at the moment.
i start my chemo 1st of may.  any tips on First chemo welcome  


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,429
    @redflower I have put this post you made onto the discussion board you will get more answers here as anyone who reads discussion board will see it.... 

  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    What sort of chemo @redflower ? It probably doesn't really matter when it comes down to it. You will have heard 'look after yourself' in the past and thought 'Yeah, right. As if I have the time.' You now need to make the time.

    You may have very few side effects, you may get the lot. There is no way of knowing until you finish. But, whatever happens, now is the time for you to put yourself first, listen to your body and let the people around you look after themselves..My son was 13 when I was first diagnosed. He quickly figured out how to feed himself if I didn't want to cook. After a couple of weeks he decided he could use the washing machine. Teenagers are resilient, they will cope for a couple of months.

    Don't sweat the small stuff, be as kind to yourself as you can. Ask questions as problems come up; there is so much information it is best to concentrate on what actually applies to you to start with.

    Good luck. Marg xx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    @redflower It can be daunting and I found it was the fear itself rather than chemo infusion had me panicking. I was petrified first infusion, but Staff really are so lovely, compassionate and professional. You will be put at ease very quickly, so deep breath, I think you'll find that you will be more than ok. Its more as it goes and accumulates, just make sure you hydrate the day before your infusion and try everyday from then, that I found hard to do, impossible actually. I did most of mine alone, even the first one so didnt have alot of support which was tough. I chatted on with other ladies there, but lots took in ipads or ipods to pass the time. Make sure you communicate everything to your Team, I took coloxyl drops for constipation, I was allergic to Maxolon, no anti nausea meds worked for me so Ativan was the only thing that helped. Rinse your mouth the first 4 days with saltwater as you will be prone to ulcers. :) Hugs Melinda xo
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi @redflower, just sending you a big virtual hug. Xx
  • redflower
    redflower Member Posts: 6
    thank you 

  • bevvzy
    bevvzy Member Posts: 86
    Ok now i am wondering re chemo!! Was hoping to skip that bit. I would have hoped with clear nodes no chemo. I had the mastectomy and several removed as a number of nodes looked "suspicious" so now im wondering  if chemo when lymph nodes are clear , if they are not clear does this raise the odds i will need it afterall? Grade 3 idc
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    Bevvzy its not all about the nodes, grade 3 idc is generally chemo. You really need to talk to your specialist who will have definitive pathology.  X Melinda 
  • Cassina
    Cassina Member Posts: 74
    yes I agree, the grade is usually chemo, I was very reluctant, but after reading this supportive network, I am now more positive, I was given a choice and said no to chemo, now I realize this was silly and have had 3 chemos so far, hard but not impossible and the chemo staff will help you through and it will go quickly
  • redflower
    redflower Member Posts: 6
    just thought id share.. my chemo yesterday did go well. anticlimatic like someone said.
    no dramas yesterday or today.. TOUCHWOOD..... 
    just a question.. was there certain foods you avoided.. no deli foods or hot box foods or sugary drinks.. what about yakults for inner health um bacon that sort of thing.

  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    Bevvsy, I have stage 3 breast cancer that they say has no node involvement that they see on  the scans. I'm doing chemo first then surgery in the hope of having lumpectomy. Either way I would've had to do chemo. I know it's all confusing and so much to take in.
    Redflower, welcome. I reckon just eat healthy or what you feel you can tolerate. Taste is an issue for me and I really have no appetite as everything tastes revolting. I also cannot drink enough water to stay hydrated and am starting to suffer from it. 
    All the best
    Lisa x
  • Melsie97
    Melsie97 Member Posts: 74
    Hi @redflower. I was told to treat my diet during Chemo like a pregnancy diet. No deli meat, no prepared salads, no yummy cheeses. I hope the rest of your Chemo goes well xx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    @redflower as above post and also avoid yogurts (and yukolt ) due to bacteria in them as we are immune compromised. As soon as finished try to eat from a large range of foods and a lot of fresh stuff and your body will rebalance it's inner health very quickly.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    LOL I was happy just to get food in no matter what it was, there was no particular diet for me couldnt stomach much of anything. So when I could eat it was what I could tolerate, different story now :) eat everything x
  • redflower
    redflower Member Posts: 6
    lol yes know that feeling.. its like i have a mouthful of flour when i eat. and most stuff gives me intergestion.. bummer