I am enough

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in Day to day

Soldier crab,,,,If only I could stop the messages in my head, We are what we are, I am not slim enough clever enough fit enough etc. I should have could have etc Sometimes I am okay.
Self acceptance is a work in progress for me. So when someone is being down on themselves I really have some idea what that feels like . As inkpetal would say we are all unique and beautiful1 -
@fairydust totally agree... I still struggle with self acceptance, my friend writes them and I believe it helps to remind us we are enough....
We definately are all Unique and beautiful1 -
I have found the biggest challenge through this??? to love me...so what have I learnt and done through treatment in 2015?? I really learnt to love me even more for all of the perfect imperfections that I could see in the mirror. Its bloody hard! work in progress and yes still days where that voice wants to bring me down for how I look now...but I am going to continue to fight it and keep loving me even more until I really believe it. x4