Its Time!!

Cate64 Member Posts: 446
OK, today is the day. Today I start training, today I start a healthy wholefood eating plan, today I start strength training, today I start endurance training, today I start....

Why??? because I have determined that today I am well enough & if I am not well enough today I never will be well enough................. to trek Kokoda!!

SO today - training starts!!


  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 760
    Wooo hooo! I love your goals Cate! If anyone can do it, you can!!!  Look forward to updates.
    Jane x
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    You go girl.
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Woohooooo!!! Said it before and here it comes again -

    \o/   \o/   \o/  \o/  \o/  \o/  \o/  \o/  \o/  
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    ha ha @socoda I figure its kinda like trying to decide on the right time to have a baby.... you will never find the perfect time you just have to say I want to do it & do it!! I woke up this morning & thought if Im not well enough to start now I never will be & so... today is the day!!
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    You're awesome Muriel!!!
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    hi Cate64. Perfect time to begin .I am in Melbourne so I do not know what the weather is where you are. April is great not too hot not too cold. The only thing you need to worry about is that pesky easter bunny. I find that bunny is a nuisance leaving luscious chocolate eggs about the place. I suppose wheres there is a will there is a way. see yu in kokoda

  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    Go get em Cate!!! What an awesome goal.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    Well you never cease to disappoint Cate...your spirit is alight!!! and its just so awesome to watch. Hugs Melinda xo