The waiting is torture!

lgray3911 Member Posts: 207
Hi ladies,
So am back in hospital and my head is wrecked!! Due to the fact that my sentinel node biopsy came back positive I had to come back and get Level 2 nodes out. Am not coping with the waiting for results this time. I really want this stage to be over so treatment can begin. I won't find out till Monday or Tuesday. I now also have to go have a consultation with a radiologist. I didn't think radiation would be necessary because I have had bilateral mastectomy and nodes removed and am going to have 6mths of chemo am confused?! Is radiation not over kill?? 


  • RNSW
    RNSW Member Posts: 121
    Hi, waiting is one of the hardest things through this unfortunate process. I understand how your feeling, it's not easy. I hope your results come back good and then begin chemo. I have heard a few women saying they had radiation after mastectomy. Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way xo
  • AineG
    AineG Member Posts: 53
    Hi,  The waiting is totally the hardest part, but once you have the information it will really help your team to come up with the best treatment.  
    I had a double Mastectomy some months ago followed by radio, but in my case the Ki67 indicated that chemo would have minimal impact for me, my cancer was more hormone responsive.
    I had only the sentinel node impacted - hoping it's the same for you, but radio was offered based on the 2014 European study showing an improved outcome for BC in cases with just 1 -3 nodes.
    This tells me your team are offering you the best and most current treatment available.  Take hope from that !

    Good luck with everything
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    it is horrible the waiting.... then wondering I had a bilateral Mastectomy and anxillary clearance back in 2012 from the pathology the team and I chose to do chemo and rads.... I am now 4.5years post surgery and i am cancer free. 

    Depending on what they find in pathology ... I dont believe it is overkill when they offer you Rads.... they dont offer things just for the fun of it..... But for the best prognosis for you in the  long term. 

    Hugs and energy to deal with the waiting 
    Soldier Crab

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    The radiotherapy review may recommend it not necessary, it depends on number of nodes etc. I guess it all hangs on the pathology. Be sure to ask those questions at your consult. Kath x
  • lgray3911
    lgray3911 Member Posts: 207
    @Soldier Crab @primek @AineG @RNSW GOOD NEWS!!! My fabulous surgeon came in on her day off this morn to let me know that she had fast tracked my results and they were back. They found 9 nodes in level 2. 1 of them had slight traces of cancer the rest all clear. So 11 nodes out all together and 3 had traces of cancer. So no more surgery. Drain is out I am home and ready for the next stage which is treatment. Wooooooohhhhhhhoooo! Just about to have a LARGE glass of red! Xx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Fantastic news. Happy for you and enjoy the red.  :)
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Enjoy our very large glass of Red :D 

  • AineG
    AineG Member Posts: 53
    GREAT NEWS!!  Enjoy the glass of red (or two)!!  :smiley:
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @lgray3911 thats such great news!! Ohhh dont think its overkill with radiotherapy, its pretty standard. Honestly 2011 I was diagnosed with DCIS and had a 2 biopsies and a major lumpectomy then radiation treatment and tamoxifen for 4yrs. My surgeon said that was overkill with treatment and yet I had a recurrence in the same spot. So absolutely hit it with everything! Hugs xoxo Melinda