Port a cath

Smileyfrog Member Posts: 14
Hi all, I never thought in a million years I would need to be posting here. I was Diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, with a few affected lymph Nodes in January. Ive had 4 dose dense treatments so far, and next week I'm to start Taxol. I will have a lumpectomy after that, then radiation is the plan. 
I had a port put in 5 weeks ago. I developed a clot in a superficial vein.  I would say it took a good 4 weeks after surgery to feel good. After my treatment last Thursday I was tender and feeling some discomfort. 
So I guess I'm just wondering what other people have experienced with their ports? 


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    hi Smileyfrog I didn't have a portacath.... I had a pica line ... I am sorry you have had to join us but we are supportive and I am sure  the other ladies will have some replies for you.... 
    It is quite a shock when we are first diagnosed.
    Hugs and Energy 
    Soldier Crab 

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I was sometimes a bit tender after treatment and the port occasionally was sore when trying to sleep. I mean we have got a piece of leggo sewn under our skin I guess,  lol. I presume some of the discomfort after treatment was just the port pushing against the muscle when the needle is put in. I've no idea really. I just know it did settle but took a bit of time. I had to initially sleep holding a pillow.  For some reason it helped. I occasionally get sore at collar bone now even though active treatment has finished and most likely this is after I've been hunching my shoulders. ..(involuntary of course) and I'm guessing it is tugging on the internal sutures.

    Hope improves for you. 

    Kath x
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    I was sore for a few weeks after I had my port put in. I had very bad headaches and what felt like pulled muscles in my neck but these settled down after 2 weeks. Sometimes it hurts if I get a nurse that presses on it when they are inserting the needle. It feels like it bruises my chest wall. But this has only happened a couple of times. I am still very glad I had it put in and will keep it until 2019. 
  • wendy_h67
    wendy_h67 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 466
    I had my port put in just before Christmas and have never had any problems. I think its the best thing since sliced bread, after going through chemo twice before without a port. My veins had really packed  it in so I pleaded with my oncologist this time for a port and she was very obliging.. I wouldn't be with out it and hope I don't have to give it back in a hurry.
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    My story similar to @wendy h 67, loved my port as my veins were trashed after doing chemo previously. I had it in for two years and it was very handy as my veins were trashed and when I went every 6 weeks to get it flushed they collected any bloods I needed. I hope yiur settles. 
    Paula xx
  • Bevkk
    Bevkk Member Posts: 26
    Hi Smileyfrog
    i had my port inserted last June after my mastectomy. It was uncomfortable for a few weeks and even now if I lay on it the wrong way it can feel that way. I also developed a clot where it joins the jugular vein two weeks after it was inserted. I had twice daily needles to thin my blood. After chemo finished I was able to change the needles to a tablet thank goodness. The port certainly makes life easier for treatment. My nurses give me a numbing cream to use before treatment so the needle doesn't hurt so much 
    all the best. Bev 
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    I have been on a similiar journey as regards chemo . I had a port and was lucky that it was not a problem. However I did  smear emla cream (not sure of spelling) on the port site an hour prior to chemo. There are also patches you can put on prior to chemo that dulls the area. Patches are expensive at $7.50 each. Sometimes I needed a blood test duriwould take the test then wng chemo to test white blood cells etc. I
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    sorry  pressed the wrong key . What  I meant to say was...sometimes i needed a blood test prior to chemo when i was on Taxol. I discovered I could take the blood test locally the day before. The point of that was it saved time as othewise  I would take blood test wait an hour to see oncologist see her then chemo after that. Another lady worked near the hospital came in had blood test the day before and then went to work .Next day saw oncologist and then chemo It was only towards the end I did this. The blood test locally would be taken normally not using the port. From memory I think initially the first two chemo were sore but otherwise okayPS Cream was given freely by by my breat care nurses.
  • Ne
    Ne Member Posts: 336
    My port was sensitive for a little while but was without major issues.  I would recommend it to anyone especially if their veins are deemed not strong enough to cope with chemo.  I just wish the location of mine done a bit more to the side as I found that my seatbelt would push on it which was slightly annoying when driving.  So would have loved to have suggested to the dr putting it in to be mindful of that as well as if it was off to the right more the scar would have been hidden behind most of my clothes whereas now it is quite visible as it sits more towards my cleavage.
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2017
    My port is only sensitive when the seat belt is over it but I countered that with a sheepskin seatbelt cover so now I have no dramas,.

    It never gave me a problem during Chemo & although I have emla patches to numb it before its accessed I have on 1 occasion had to have it accessed spur of the moment without one & cant say it hurt any more than a regular blood test.

    My Port is still in a year after finishing Chemo & will stay in as long as I am allowed to keep it. This is my choice as I cant have bloods taken on the left due to lymphadema risk & my right side veins are trashed from having first Chemo that way. The port is so much easier for everything.
  • Smileyfrog
    Smileyfrog Member Posts: 14
    Thanks so much everyone. Its nice to be able to talk to people who are going through or have gone this journey. Its early days for me I know. I'm trying to remain positive through this. I have a wonderful support network with my family and friends. I've been working a few days a week, with very a supportive boss. I only do what I can manage. Looking forward to connecting with you all. Thanks again