Is seeing a band at Rod Laver Arena even a Possibility?

Staycalm Member Posts: 9
Before my diagnosis in early Jan we bought tickets to see Twenty One Pilots at Rod Laver in late March. We now know that the concert is on the Friday night at the end of my 4th chemo week, with chemo usually on a Monday. I've been having the AC chemo, 3 weeks apart, and I think I'm traveling pretty well. Brain fog, tiredness, hair mostly gone and some skin issues (drying out and a bit irritated). Well otherwise, touch wood. My blood tests just before my 2nd chemo showed my leukocytes were low for my Friday blood test but were up enough by Monday to have my treatment.

So, my question is, should I go?

I will see how I feel after Monday (my next session), depending on my leukocyte count, and will talk to the oncologist about it but was wondering what others think.


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    Go!! As long as you are going with someone, and have someone transporting you home, you should be fine. 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Do it!
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Party!!!!!!!!!! Have a dance for me too :smiley:
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767

  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    Take extra precautions like take some hand gell and go with someone. Life dosen't stop and you should have some fun x
    If you dance like that pic no one will come near you. Love the pic though how freeing to dance like that and not care
  • pacwood
    pacwood Member Posts: 105
    defo do it!!!! I went to the Guns And Roses concert last month at the MCG. Surrounded by 75,000 people!!! It was an experience of a lifetime that I wasn't missing!
    Enjoy every minute of  21 Pilots! xx 
  • jadziatoo
    jadziatoo Member Posts: 38
    I am doing Twenty One Pilots in Brisbane and bought my tickets in November. I am lucky that I have finished chemo. Hope you enjoy them in Melbourne.