breast lumps

hi all, I'm new. 

I found a lump on my right breast 2 years ago. I had a biopsy done but never found out the results ( doctor told me if there wasn't anything wrong he wouldn't contact me). recently I noticed the lump had gotten bigger so I went and saw a doctor ( my doctor was on leave) and this female doctor told me she could not feel anything and I was just scaring myself. after leaving that appointment I still didn't feel right, so I got a second opinion, this time the new doctor didn't examine me properly ( tried to feel the lump with my bra on) but she told me to go and get an ultrasound done. I did so yesterday and instead of finding one lump they have found a few, I have the ultersound images and she has marked out my axilla lymph nodes. the lady who did my ultrasound didn't say too much compared to the first one I had on my breast 2 years ago. I'm a little worried, anyone have any advice? regards Hannah. 


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Gosh least you got a scan. Sounds like you may well need a referral to a specialist. No other advise other than if not happy keep getting other opionions. It's your health after all. Let us know how your follow up appointment goes. Kath x
  • hannahjane
    hannahjane Member Posts: 25
    thank you for the reply Kath means a lot xx
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Experts. NOW! As many as you can find. Do not muck around with this stuff.
    I believe that the little bell that rings in our head when we think something is wrong is the last vestige
     of our primitive selves. Listen to it.
    This site is littered with women who left things too late. Do not be one of them. If you are proven to be a drama queen who has blown everything out of proportion, you will survive. If you puddle about you may not.

  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    Good on you for pursuing it. Always go with your gut and keep going till your comfortable you have done eveything. Lets hope ur news is positive
  • hannahjane
    hannahjane Member Posts: 25
    thank you everyone for replying xx

    I have a doctors appointment on Thursday to have a look at my ultrasound, fingers crossed xx
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    If you still don't get any satisfaction go to breast screen and get them to do a mammogram! All the best - let us know how you get on.

  • Glemmis
    Glemmis Member Posts: 344
    Hi Hannahjane, my surgeon said she always trusts a woman's intuition so don't let anyone fob you off if you don't feel right. I felt something was wrong before my diagnosis but couldn't pinpoint it. The radiologist said my lump wasn't a cancer & I could opt out of a biopsy but my professor wanted me to have it & thank goodness I did. The problem was the cancer was hiding behind dense tissue. Hopefully all will be good for you!
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hannahjane, Im glad you have a doctor to let you know the results of the ultrasound, but I would honestly get a referral after that to a Breast Surgeon for clear and concise understanding of it all, its the only peace of mind you will find. Hugs Melinda xo
  • hannahjane
    hannahjane Member Posts: 25
    thanks for the advice everyone xx........ quick question, my breast ( right one) and my axilla lymph nodes are swollen at the moment, is that something to be really concerned about? please note ( I am 20 years old) 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    It's wise to check it out, that may be caused by a number of things but as everyone else has advised some specialist examination as soon as possible is the ticket. Are you seeing a GP on Thursday or a breast specialist?
  • Now curly
    Now curly Member Posts: 10
    Hannahjane, stick with your gut feelings and don't rest till you've got answers that make sense to you. There are plenty of doctors out there if you're not satisfied with how they treat you. Wish you luck for a great out come,  hugs to you, Linda
  • hannahjane
    hannahjane Member Posts: 25
    I'm just seeing my gp on Thursday, ill see what is said on Thursday then I can go from there
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Even a rebiew by a breast surgeon for breast density and future pissible issues with lumps is not a waist of time. Ask for referral regardless at your appointment. The surgeon will want copies of your breast films also.
  • Polly Rose
    Polly Rose Member Posts: 67
    Hi Hannahjane. No doubt this whole experience has been distressing for you but remember you are the one in control. I agree with the other ladies and think you should consider asking for a referral to a breast surgeon. The best possible way to be sure is called a triple assessment and that includes a manual exam by a qualified doctor, imaging and a biopsy. All three together are common practice and you have every right to request this. I hope it all works out ok for you. Please let us know how you get on. 
    Take Care. Polly
  • RNSW
    RNSW Member Posts: 121
    Hi Hannah, so sorry that you are dealing with this at 20 years old.  I have personally found gps can only help so much. I agree with the others to get a referral to a breast surgeon. Reason being is, thats their specialty and the one to see. The chances that it's cancer is small but for your own piece of mind follow it through. Please let us know how you go. I wish you the very best and sending you hugs. Rita xo