When does radiation start post-op?

Lisa50 Member Posts: 28
edited February 2017 in Newly diagnosed
I have had 2 wide local excisions & 4 nodes removed following recent invasive lobular carcinoma diagnosis. Apart from usual tenderness & swelling, no complications. Last surgery was 12 days ago. Now waiting for appt with Radiation Oncologist to start radiation treatment. 
I booked a holiday to Darwin a year ago (soo excited) to be away for 3 weeks, in March. I am wondering what the 'window' of time is from surgery to starting radiation? I cant find info on that. So I return 24th March and hope to start rads then. This will be 8 weeks post-op. Is this appropriate? I'm a planner...need to organise!!


  • Pammy46
    Pammy46 Member Posts: 162
    Hi Lisa I had my surgery on the 8th dec last year and started radiation on the 31st Jan this is my second week so it's normally 6-8 weeks after surgery 
    hope this helps x
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    I did chemo first so my radiation was not for a few months after.  Think you will be fine with the Darwin trip.  Enjoy
    Paula xxx

  • Chabrittson
    Chabrittson Member Posts: 23
    Hi Lisa,
    I had surgery on 25 August and commenced radiation on on 12 October but I presume not everyone is the same.
    Hope this helps and try enjoy your holiday.