Surgery Day

Member Posts: 2
I have lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node arranged for Feb 7 at RBWH . I would like to know what to expect on the day. Could you describe what surgery day was like for you please?
Hi MummaJ,
I went through this a year and a half ago. I had sentinel mapping the morning of surgery, where they inject you near the lump. Do you know if thats what your having?
With the lumpectomy, it was easier than I thought to be honest. I think our emotions and just worry take over. Surgery wasn't long and when I woke up I found that I had two bandages one over lumpectomy incision and the other over where they took lymph nodes. On top of that they put a special bra on which was confortable and done up at the front. Not much pain just had panadol and went home the next day. It took me about 2 weeks to recover. Then I went back to my surgeon to check how I was going and the results of the surgery.
I hope that helps all the best xo0 -
Hi MummaJ, I had the dye put in the day before the lumpectomy and was told they if found no cancer in the node on frozen section then nothing else would need to be done so I went home same day. Unfortunately pathology came back with cancer in the node so I had to have mastectomy & 12 nodes removed 5 days later after results but was back at work in 10 days. With the lumpectomy I had no pain & didn't take anything. The breast care nurse will provide you with a bra & you should be able to resume normal activities pretty quickly, good luck!0
Hi Mummaj. I have just had a lumpectomy and sentinel node mapping and removal last week.
there was a lot more than I was expecting.
The PRP X-ray place was downstairs from the hospital and I had to go and hand in my paperwork to the hospital for admittance and to pay the excess prior to going downstairs to have the preparation for surgery.
I had the radioactive dye injected around the nipple and had to massage the breast firmly for quite a few minutes to move the dye around. It hurts a bit for the injection but otherwise it was okay.
I also had to have a hook wire inserted as well, as I had a (supposedly) small hard to find lump as well. You don't say you need that so I won't burden you with that description.
I then had to wait until the CT scan machines were free, quite a bit of sitting around waiting, take a book or magazine. I first went into one room where 3 photos were taken using very large plates, one I stood up and leant on it, holding on to the sides, one I lay down and they put my arm on a trolley, and the plate came from the side, the last came from above very close (mention it if you are claustrophobic to the attendant I nearly freaked out) each photo took about 4 minutes and you have to stay very still.
I then went back to wait for the other machine to be free, more waiting.
I lay down for this one and my husband was allowed to stay with me and talk me through it. The plates come from both sides and apparently move around you. You have to have your arm up for quite some time and it can be uncomfortable but you can't move.
after that my husband had to leave and I went into a donut shaped machine which moved me around a little.
I kept my eyes closed and counted to distract myself from what was going on as I was very stressed. If you are claustrophobic perhaps ask about whether you are allowed sedation.
That all took over 21/2 hours. I had an X marked on my chest where the sentinel lymph node had shown to be.
when that was finished I was allowed to go up to the hospital and the nurses took me through to be prepared for surgery.
I had to answer a lot of questions for them to fill out some paperwork, be weighed and height checked.
I have allergies so I was given two red ID bands and went through to get undressed and into a gown and onto a bed. My husband could stay with me for all this.
I was given those white compression stockings to put on, (they are really hard to get on) the ID bands were put on my legs (I was having surgery on both breasts) and I had plastic bubble wrap stuff wrapped around my lower legs. These were later hooked up to a machine on the end of the bed that blew them up and vibrated them at regular intervals, they stayed on all the time I was in hospital.
the Anaethetists came to see me and went through any surgery history and allergies, she also told me she would set me up with a PCA so I could control any pain myself. I then saw her again when I was wheeled into the small room before you go into theatre.
before going into theatre a nurse came and gave me a Heparin injection to help stop blood clots. Into the thigh muscle and it didn't tickle!
I was then wheeled around many corridors to the small room where I was prepared for surgery.
the X on my chest was checked, I was having a reduction on both sides so I was marked up with markers all over, probably they don't do that for a standard lumpectomy.
The Anaethetists came in and found a vein to insert a cannula and the last I knew she said she would give me something to relax me and I was gone.
I woke up in recovery.
i was in recovery for about an hour and half as my blood pressure wasn't right, but then was wheeled to the ward. And settled in with a drip in one arm, a PCA and TV control within reach. My husband then came in to see me.
I hope that gives you an idea what to expect. I was in a private hospital, but I am guessing it is much the same wherever you go.0 -
Hi MummaJ,
I am sorry that you joined here and going through this journey. There are many courageous, kind and supportive women here will share their experiences with you.
I had lumpectomy with wide local excision because I had 2 lumps and sentinel node biopsy 4 weeks ago. The day before surgery I had lymph node mapping. On the surgery day, after done all the check list with a nurse and changed to a hospital gown. I walked into a room outside of the theatre, had a cannula inserted by an anaesthetist. The minute I got pushed into theatre, there was a big face mask put on my face. A nurse asked me to keep the eyes open and take big breaths, I felt pain in my hand I could see the anaesthetist was pushing drugs into my cannula. I was gone really quickly. When I heard someone was calling my name, it was 2 hours later. The actual surgery was 1.5 hours. The surgeon injected blue dye into the breast during surgery, he used a special scanner and "cherry picked" 2 lymph nodes and removed them. I had one long dressing over the lumpectomy and the lymph nodes incision. I stayed in recovery for 2 hours, had a cup of tea and biscuits. I got up and walked around slowly in the recovery. The nurse said "Off you go, you can go home now" . I walked out of the hospital and went home. I was a bit shocked how well and quickly it went. Mentally I felt so much relief once the lumps were removed.
I recovered from the surgery really well. I listened what the anaesthetist's advise to keep up with pain medications after surgery. I took them regularly for the first 2 days, and gradually weaned them off over 1 week. I was up and walking around in the house the next day and hanging around in the garden the day after. I gradually increased activities with no pain. The numbness under the arm got better eventually.
Everyone responds to surgery differently and have different experiences, do what you feel the best for you and don't push yourself.
Wishing you the best with surgery and recovery! Please ask any questions you have, I will do my best to answer.
Lots of love and hugs for you!0 -
Hi MummaJ,
Just want to tell you that I was given a breast cushion by my breast nurse, it has been giving me so much comfort after surgery. It is hand made by the beautiful ladies from Zonta foundation. It looks like a travel cushion, but less bulky and softer. I place it under my arm, I walked around with it for the first couple days after surgery and when I sleep. I am still using it for sleep, I can lie on the surgery side comfortably. I am so much in love with it. I hope you were given one too, otherwise you can order one from Zonta or ask your breast nurse.
Wish you the best!
lots of love and hugs for you!1 -
I am 7 weeks post surgery I had sentinel node dye injected and hook wires inserted where the tumours were
when they inject the dye you have to have ct scans to check if the dye has reached the nodes mine took about half hr but another lady having surgery same day took over 2 hrs they give you a local anaesthetic so I didn't find it painful but was uncomfortable
i had a lumpectomy and 3 lymph nodes removed still have some numbness from the node removal
good luck with surgery you will get through it xx0 -
Hi unicornkisses
sounds like we had ours at the same place prp Gosford?1 -
Thanks so much to all of you who took the time to answer my question. All your descriptions have given me a much better idea of what to expect on the day and after. Sounds like it may not be too bad. Feeling positive Thanks3
Yes, Pammy46, PRP north Gosford. Probably had the same surgeon if you went upstairs to the hospital. I am back there on Thursday for a full body scan and bone scan. On my birthday! Oh joy!0
@MummaJ Ive had 2 major lumpectomies in the span of 4yrs due to a recurrence. My last one I was lucky to have been put in hospital the day before, I had the sentinel node dye injected which for some reason was quite unbearable for me, pain wise not sure why. I then had the hook wire done and back to my room for the night. I woke the next morning, into surgery at like 7am was great!! lymph nodes removed, all clear and wide clear margins am big breasted. The drain was more of an annoyance than the surgery to be honest, as in hurt more. The surgery was no problems at all. Im 18 months on now, and still have numbness slightly in my armpit and at the back of the arm near the armpit. But no big deal at all!! Its really quite straight forward. I had more problems withe Anaesthetic and narcotics which has me vomiting for 12hrs. So if you are drug sensitive or not great with Anaesthetic, make sure you tell your Surgeon and Anaesthetist, its very important. All the best!!! You'll be amazed how well you do!!
Hugs Melinda xo
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Oh that's crap!! yep north Gosford I had dr Sharon Laura she did a great job
I will be thinking of you xx1 -
Thank you, Pammy46. I had Dr Rita Poon, also a lovely job and excellent caring surgeon. Dr Laura was my next choice.0