Friday Update!

Please welcome @rosehaven, @Elise1489, @fairyfloss, @Fisalida, @cranky granny, @Country Girl, @Bornfree, @CC63 and all our new members.
Community highlights
Each week we have lots of different discussions take place in the online network. These can include questions, updates, celebrations and so much more. Here are some conversations this week you may have missed: For all our new members, we want to make sure you know how to find your way around the online network. There are a number of different functions that you can play with. Having your own profile picture is one. You can upload a photo or choose from one of the avatars available. You don't have to leave the lady as your profile picture

To learn more about what else you can do check out the what and how thread.
News & events
Leading Australian researchers win grant for BRCA gene research. To read more
BCNA welcomes new resource for women with induced menopause after breast cancer. To read more.
The third edition of our Hope & Hurdles resource designed for people who have been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer is about to be released. To order a copy click here.
Did you know that the BCNA website has a number of resources
available to order or download? This can range from fact sheets to booklets. To see what's available click here.
Looking for a beautiful and eco-friendly card this Christmas? Vevoke cards are just beautiful and 10% of the sales are donated to BCNA. You can browse the range or purchase yours at one of the various locations across Australia including Dymocks books in Hobart, Melbourne & Sydney!
Health and wellness tip
Take a stroll or walk through a local park, take a walk down the street, if you have a dog take them too even just walk to your letter box and back. Try it; it’s rejuvenating, even just for a 10 minutes, it is a great way to enlighten your spirits without even trying, it puts you in touch with nature, which studies show can actually benefit our brains, prevent depression, and exposes us to the most natural source of vitamin D available to us: the sun (don’t forget to be sun safe and slip, slop, slap, seek and slide).

(Image: photos@woollypigs)
We have a wonderful thread on the online network called Favorite quotes! So to wrap up this weeks post, I wanted to share one of my favorites with you.
Have a lovely weekend.
Ann-Marie xx

(Image: Pinterest)