Part Mastectomy In Two Weeks

Member Posts: 26 ✭
Hello Ladies, I am new and full of curiosity. My biggest though is what will my breast look like after the op. Would anyone be willing to shed a little light and share an image with me after having the same op please. I understand we are all different, I am just after an idea for my own thoughts, I don't want to google much as I'd prefer to see from real people. I'm ready for the op and sure I am very naive to everything I am about to go through, but I'm starting as positive as I can be and I'll go from there. Thankyou all in advance ~Donna~
Hello Donna and welcome. None of us wanted to be here, but amidst the disbelief of our diagnosis we have found amazing support, kindness and kinship through other women going through the same thing. I know you will too. There is so much to take in at first isn't there. It can be overwhelming but does settle down once a treatment plan is in place. I was like you, very curious about the process and surgery. I need information to feel in control and that helped me cope and remain positive (tho I do have to admit to googling lots of images and surgery info). I am only a small build so chose to have a single nipple sparing mastectomy with an immediate silicone implant. A partial mastectomy/lumpectomy wouldn't have worked for me. Not enough breast tissue to give a good cosmetic result and a danger of not clearing margins. I'm happy with my decision. The scar runs under my breast and the implant size is a good match to my other breast.
Does your surgeon have any before/after images of other ladies? I know my surgeon took a lot of headless photos of me to add to his portfolio. All of us start out as naive Donna, this is nothing we can imagine or prepare ourselves for but there is an absolute wealth of information in this forum. Ask lots of questions, everyone is here to help.
Keep in touch and let us know how you go with your surgery. Take care, Jane x
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Hi Donna, and welcome to the site. I'm like Jane in that I had a unilateral skin and nipple saving mastectomy with immediate reconstruction using silicone implant. I was initially told that a lumpectomy would be sufficient but my tumor was 2.7cm and I decided on mastectomy and my surgeon said she was happy I had as my breast would have been quite deformed after the tumor was excised and they also found a further lesion next to the tumor (benign but still there). I'm not sure exactly what images are available but you might like to log onto Reclaim your curves - and sign up. This bcna website is quite new and hasn't had the images transferred from the old site but the Reclaim your curves site apparently does have. Website is Please if you do have any questions don't hesitate to ask as we all know how daunting this whole experience is. When is your operation scheduled for? Let us know how you're going. Xx Cath
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Thankyou All so much, I have googled images and I should hopefully see my surgeon again this week, I have so many questions now, the internet and here has answered alot, so now just small things, and we went over alot the other day that I need to know more specifics now. My head is clearer and more organised, It's starting to hit home of how long I will be out of action and it's a bit of a downer. I'm staying positive and will ask him if he has any images for me too.
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Hi @DMaree I completely get where you are coming from. Images of possible results are critical to decision making for breast reconstruction. And it's even more helpful to ask the person who is in the image.