Life in progress

Getting back into life again, as I recollect what I once was, requires a change of dynamic structual idealistic thought process ! What does that mean to me ! What aspect and concept of the changes with in ! Knowledge is now my weppon of choice, and this weppon will get me through what ever it takes to survive this, the biggest challenge there is in life, trying to getting old !!!
hello from across the strait in north east tasmania.
i am imagining you have had treatment for BC? ( short hair, growing back ? )
yes, money is necessary for many things in this life.
i see a face, that looks artisitic, intelligent.
do blog again, if you like. kathy.
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Hello, to you too, Tasmaian lass, I will re-blog that silly Blog, I was alittle down in the dumps then and sitting olone feeling some-what sorry for my-self on a Friday night, and of course as you could probebly see with a few Shiraz glass later. I am even scared to see what I wrote now, you know that awful feeling of what did I say, Thankyou for telling me, and yes been threw 15mth of hell and back again, will leave the rubbish writing for facebook next time, Thank you, Bye
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i went to hell and back too...
today i am driving to the beach at bridport and going for a walk along the foreshore, get some sea air. harry will come. we may find some she oak droppings for the strawberries.apparently snails and slugs do not like walking over pine needles or she oaks, and they also break down to enrich the soil. not that i am a great gardener, but i do like to grow a bit of food if i can.
talk soon.. kathy.
i lead an exciting life.. LOL
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Hi kathy, Sounds like a lovely idea, a stroll along the beach and if Tassies wheather is similar to Victoria today ! Then, I can imagine the sun is shinning bright for that walk, untill that change tomorrow ! Pine needles are not my cup of tea either, and I guess if the snail dont like them, then it may well work. Im not the best as to my Botany knowlegde, but be aware that pine needle may give off that poison that may leach, think thats why nothing seems to grow under the pine trees but mushrooms ! I miss the sea air as well, as I used to live in Darwin for 5years, with the ocean at my back door, yeah those where the days. Still Im not complaining living in the Hills of Melbourne, my back door these days is Olinda National park, currently trying to keep it that way with the mortgage hiting default, and I have to find another job soon that I can physically cope with, double Mastectomy for me and axillary clearance of 24nodes, nerve pain never seems to end ! But trying new strategies with yoga now. Have a great day.Bye for now, Catherine
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24 nodes.. 12 each side?
yes keep trying new things. i hope you find some help with nerve pains.
slowly, gently, carefully sounds good... yoga sounds good. do not take on too much too soon. it takes time to readjust. seek help with work issues if necessary and mortgage, is my advice. you have had enough to deal with right now.
i live 20 kms inland, and like to visit the sea from time to time. all that ozone rich air.
olinda national park sounds good too. TC kathy.
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Hi Kathy, I wish I could say a wonderfully sunny Sunday morning Hello, but its just a yukky cold windy morning here, and theres something to be said about a sunny day in the middle of winter, that is well-comed by all I think, Iv got those winter blues with low vit D on set. I just saw your other message, Thanks and will respond soon. First, I have got a family of 5 Kookaburras at my window awaiting there treats ! I dont make them dependant on me, as I know they practice there hunting skills when they allways turn up with earth filled beaks from those famous dives as if the earth was the ocean, amaging to watch ! I am babbling, so buy for now, Catherine
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Hi Kathy, I wish I could say a wonderfully sunny Sunday morning Hello, but its just a yukky cold windy morning here, and theres something to be said about a sunny day in the middle of winter, that is well-comed by all I think, Iv got those winter blues with low vit D on set. I just saw your other message, Thanks and will respond soon. First, I have got a family of 5 Kookaburras at my window awaiting there treats ! I dont make them dependant on me, as I know they practice there hunting skills when they allways turn up with earth filled beaks from those famous dives as if the earth was the ocean, amaging to watch ! I am babbling, so buy for now, Catherine
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Hi Kathy, I wish I could say a wonderfully sunny Sunday morning Hello, but its just a yukky cold windy morning here, and theres something to be said about a sunny day in the middle of winter, that is well-comed by all I think, Iv got those winter blues with low vit D on set. I just saw your other message, Thanks and will respond soon. First, I have got a family of 5 Kookaburras at my window awaiting there treats ! I dont make them dependant on me, as I know they practice there hunting skills when they allways turn up with earth filled beaks from those famous dives as if the earth was the ocean, amaging to watch ! I am babbling, so buy for now, Catherine
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hi catherine, hope you are doing ok.
yes i agree..
one of the greatest instincts is survival.. and trying to get to old age.
all the best for your future.. OOXX.
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hi catherine, hope you are doing ok.
yes i agree..
one of the greatest instincts is survival.. and trying to get to old age.
all the best for your future.. OOXX.
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Hi Kathy,
Thanks for your message. I wondered what you might be doing, a few weeks ago, but dont look on sight much these days unless I have a personal message in show on my email, like this did.
I was in the middle of asking how you are when I had a feeling you where not where we would like to be, so I looked at your profile recent message board and saw you where going through the mill again ! I dont have any details so I will just say, keep on fighting my friend, its worth it. We all face that dreaded recurrance path, as I do like every other women faced with that fear, but you have experiance and knowledge on your side now, so use it like a weapon and I will be sending you some positive healing thoughts of strength.
I have had a quality of life decline also, as I took on this new clinical drug trial called NERATINIB. I passed the inclusion criteria and started on Aug 8th, now two months on and I am a physical reck with the side effects on-slaught. I am however very happy that I am taking the drug and not the placebo !
Through self education with my type of BC, HER2+ with lymph node involvement I found that this trial existed and researched it in trial form in the USA. At all the major Hospitals in Australia they are always looking for candiates for many trials on differant arms groups of Breast Cancer in differant stanges. I am wondering if you might fit in to one of these criterias ! You know its amazing once these new drugs become availible in this way along time befor they are pubilcised as treatment in use, so if you are interested maybe you should ask your Onco if you fit into one, no harm in asking.
Take Care as much as posible, and I hope to hear from you again soon,
Regards Catherine Keil xo
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Hi Kathy,
Thanks for your message. I wondered what you might be doing, a few weeks ago, but dont look on sight much these days unless I have a personal message in show on my email, like this did.
I was in the middle of asking how you are when I had a feeling you where not where we would like to be, so I looked at your profile recent message board and saw you where going through the mill again ! I dont have any details so I will just say, keep on fighting my friend, its worth it. We all face that dreaded recurrance path, as I do like every other women faced with that fear, but you have experiance and knowledge on your side now, so use it like a weapon and I will be sending you some positive healing thoughts of strength.
I have had a quality of life decline also, as I took on this new clinical drug trial called NERATINIB. I passed the inclusion criteria and started on Aug 8th, now two months on and I am a physical reck with the side effects on-slaught. I am however very happy that I am taking the drug and not the placebo !
Through self education with my type of BC, HER2+ with lymph node involvement I found that this trial existed and researched it in trial form in the USA. At all the major Hospitals in Australia they are always looking for candiates for many trials on differant arms groups of Breast Cancer in differant stanges. I am wondering if you might fit in to one of these criterias ! You know its amazing once these new drugs become availible in this way along time befor they are pubilcised as treatment in use, so if you are interested maybe you should ask your Onco if you fit into one, no harm in asking.
Take Care as much as posible, and I hope to hear from you again soon,
Regards Catherine Keil xo
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Hi Catherine - Your blog made me smile! Especially the Chiraz thing, been there! done that! (still intend to keep it up). My idealistic concept of thought process goes something like this - WTF! is it only nice people this happens to? Love from a fellow Victorian (though I did spend 20 years in QLD) - hope you don't hold that against me! Friendly thoughts and a dishing of humour - hugs Josie