Just saying hello

awhol Member Posts: 10
HI I am Anna, 58 and recently diagnosed with high grade bc.  From when I felt the lump to surgery was 14 days.  WLE and axillary clearance due to Sentinel node involvement but luckily no axilla nodes were affected.  Got a slight shock at requiring chemo for six months and the second lot weekly for three months then radiotherapy then Herceptin for a year.  However I have an exceptionally positive attitude (maybe a nurse who has seen a lot of tragedy helps there).  Decided to grab the damn illness first and shaved all my hair off on Sunday.  First dose of  chemo is on Friday.  I will just take one day at a time.  Unfortunately I have no partner to share this with and live alone but Miss Minx (my feline) will help me and I have two very supportive daughters who live about an hour away.  My prayers go out to all of us that are using this site because of bc or caring for someone with it.  Whilst we have to go through a lot of this in our own way it is nice and I think very valuable to be able to share experiences and what worked to alleviate side effects etc.  Sending you all my very best wishes and prayers...Anna


  • Ne
    Ne Member Posts: 336

    Welcome to the group Anna.  I have just come out the other end of a diagnosis/treatment similar to yours and wanted to encourage you that you have come to the best place possible for support.  Feel free to browse past discussions by searching the tabs that apply to you under discussions.  There is a wealth of help and support here and no topic is off limits.

    I wish you all the best with your treatment.  I often say to people going through bc that this will be a Marathon and not a sprint.  Be kind to yourself, listen to your body and focus only on the current requirements at hand for today or tomorrow but don't worry about next week or next month or treatments to come etc.  Those can go on the virtual shelve until it needs to be dealt with.  This way you cope better.

    If you have the my journey kit, the same applies.  Don't try to read from page 1 through to the last page of the booklet, just open the section of where you are at e.g. chemo and read what is relevant right now.  This way you do not overload your brain and emotions with information.  We are all in this together.  Chin up, you've got this!

  • awhol
    awhol Member Posts: 10
    thank you very much.  I must admit my dining room table looks like a reference library with all the information I have been given but I have certainly only read the parts where I am up to in treatment and basically just listened to my surgeon and medical oncologist.  I also have not done any internet research...as you say it is too much to take in all at once.   I am glad you have come out the other end.  My wishes and prayers for your continued recovery.
  • Ne
    Ne Member Posts: 336
    You are doing all the right things, definitely stay off google because no two diagnosis are ever the same. Keep us posted on how you are traveling.  Thanks for the well wishes too x 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Hi Anna!  welcome aboard, no it's not everyone's port of call however this forum is a great place to learn, research (all accredited info and as Ne said, not Dr Google), and to find support and or vent as we all have a breaking point and no one judges; we just try and pick up the pieces and let you know we're all in it together.  The diagnosis for all is the same, Breast Cancer, but after that it is all so different - who'd thought there would be so many variables.  Some of us struggle with side effects at different times as medication and or treatment comes with the hidden extras.  Your occupation certainly puts you in good stead.
    Wishing you and Miss Minx all the best
    Take care from Christine

  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi Anna, gotta say I love your site name :D - excellent!! Sorry that you have had to join the site but you've come to the right place for some support and caring. And if Miss Minx is not in a particularly chatty mood we can be your cheer squad!!! Wishing you all the best, keep us up to date with how your going. Xx Cath
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Welcome to the site. I've  just completed my chemo and continue on herceptin. It is hard work but you can do it. Looking forward to reading your adventure.
  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    Welcome to the site Anna.  I hope your treatment goes as smoothly as mine.  I think a positive attitude goes a long way in dealing with all this!  My motto when seeing doctors was "grin and bare it" (as in lift my top and ... oh you know!) :)
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Hi Anna, sorry you have had to join us but a big welcome!  Joining this site was one of the best things I have done - family and friends give all the support they can but it makes such a difference to be able talk to other women who understand exactly how we feel.  You sound very positive and strong, a great start in showing cancer who is boss!!  Wishing you all the best with your ongoing treatment, we are a here for you :)   Jane x
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    HI @awhol
    welcome to the forum, we are a great bunch of ladies who will laugh cry and be serious with you.... read the discussions that interest you and ask any questions.. 
    I am a single mum now and went through with only my kids around.... YOU can do it .... 
    hugs and energy 
  • Melhay
    Melhay Member Posts: 157
    Hi Anna,
    Welcome to the network.
    Sorry for the circumstances that have brought you here but I can assure you you're in very good company.
    I agree cats can be good therapy for the mind & soul. We have an indoor Russian Blue who melts my heart & makes us laugh at his acrobatic antics. 
    All the best with your upcoming treatments. 

    Mel xx
  • awhol
    awhol Member Posts: 10
    thank you all so very much for the wonderful support already.....I am looking forward to the LGFB workshop that I am going to today and am embracing my wig and shaved head.  I wish you all the very best in fighting bc.

    Anna xx
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    It moves so fast at first! Rotten time in life but with any luck will be like a bad dream in only a couple of years time.

    Good job taking the bull by the horns! Honestly wish I'd shaved my hair off before starting chemo, when it comes to scalp care time you will be loving yourself for it.

    Kitties are wonderful companions, have you got a cuddler? hehehe
  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    @awhol how did you go at the LGFB workshop?
  • awhol
    awhol Member Posts: 10
    It was great fun.  Lots of laughs and some great hints especially head covering.
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    OH I was just at a LGFB! Little baggie of make-up and they made me a blonde :lol: