omg...... I have breast cancer

dondon73 Member Posts: 6


  • xpataus
    xpataus Member Posts: 38
    edited October 2016
    Hey Donna - I'm new here too.  Of course, that's why we're both awake so late! I underwent a mastectomy 5 weeks ago, just 2 weeks after diagnosis. What hell we endure! I'm so glad you have a loving and supportive family - lean on them. I've been told to learn to accept ANY offers of help and to take, and ask for time out when it's needed. I'll be starting chemo in the coming weeks and am terrified of that next step. I've heard that using ice gloves and booties helps stop neuropathy in fingers and toes, so I'll be doing that, and if you have any handy hints as you progress do share! Thinking of you. Karen
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,532

    I am so sorry to hear of your Diagnosis and what has brought you here. One thing is for certain and I think we can all agree on this Forum, is we are taken by surprise, our worlds are turned upside down, some more than others, its frightening beyond belief. A million emotions all of which you are entitled to, and what we all have to learn to sit with. Wonderful you have such great support, its so important and I know how incredibly difficult it is as you say on everyone around you. But Ive learnt through my 5yr journey of Breast Cancer twice that this time whilst I appreciated so very much the support, my focus had to be finally on me, I couldnt worry about the rest. This was so hard!!! but its the loss of control of all of it even work. Once I succumb to that I was so much better just doing a day to day and getting through what I had to.

    Nobody understands like those who are going through it, family are wonderful but I cant talk to them as they don't get it! and how could they? I understand about your Son, I work with Autistic Children and I love it, but 9 months post chemo working 3 days I am struggling badly and devastated that I may have to stop work for a while. Its a long haul, not a quick fix, so take a deep breath, and tackle one thing at a time and just keep talking. 

    Hugs Melinda xo
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi Donna and welcome!! Sounds like you have jam packed a huge lot of things into your two months and how awesome that your daughter shaved her head in support!! <3 As for your studies and training you will still be able to use them just not quite as soon as you had hoped but they are there waiting patiently in the background until you are well and healed. Thank goodness your BC has been diagnosed now and that it manifested in a lump (even if its a nasty lump it's still a lifesaving lump). Wishing you all the best, keep us up to date with how your going. Xx Cath
  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    Hey Donna, I just wanted to add my hands to those supporting you.  Post here whenever you need to, that's what we are all here for. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,793
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Welcome to the site. What a challenging time you have had. The beginning is always a whirlwind...your life just stops for a bit and it becomes all about cancer and treatment. It will get better but you still have a long journey to go. We are here to listen when you need to share. Kath x
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    We are here for you any time and you don't even have to be as nice as you are. If you want to have a good old rant about anything go right ahead even if you cant type straight and you forget words which you can do when on chemo. HugZ <3
  • Jess_BCNA
    Jess_BCNA Member Posts: 474
    Hi there dondon73, I just wanted to jump in also to welcome you to the network and to let you know that if you need any help getting around the network or finding support, please just let me know :-) x
  • dondon73
    dondon73 Member Posts: 6
    Thank you for your words of support!! 
  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    Welcome visit often
  • Rachel01
    Rachel01 Member Posts: 26
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    Hi Donna. I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis but I am so glad your partner signed you up to this forum. I too have a son, 19, with autism and that has been hard but also joyous and never dull! I am near finishing 12 months of treatment and just wanted to let you know there is light at the end of the tunnel. We are all here for you and 'get it.' Come on here any time you need to. Hugs, Nadine
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,439
    HI Donna, I agree with everything the others  have written.. it is a whirlwind and I want to encourage you I have 2 boys  now 29 & 22 who have autism and I am now 4 years since diagnosis and they have learnt some independence that this journey has forced upon us.... we are very strong as a single parent family and I know you have a strong network there... 
    come back often and rant laugh cry we understand. 
    @ Nadi & @ Rachel01 our Autistic children often see the simplistic things we don't in the midst of this journey... My 29 year old said the day we told him ... " I am crying inside sorry it doesnt show outside of me" that broke my heart but it was a learning curve about how we could connect with him on emotional issues.  
    Hugs and Energy for your journey ahead 
    Soldier Crab aka Alice 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    Hey there Donna, 
    welcome to the network, I hope that we can be supportive for you. Just take it 1 treatment at a time, and you'll get there. We do understand that overwhelming feeling when that initial diagnosis takes place, it really sucks.
    Sending you a big cuddle, and thinking of you and your family during this difficult time. 
  • dondon73
    dondon73 Member Posts: 6
    Thank you everyone for your kind words and support!!