Moving House Done!

Melhay Member Posts: 157
Well after a busy few months of living apart from my husband, being diagnosed with Breast Cancer for the 2nd time in 13mths, undergoing 2 surgeries, trying to get my daughter through the moving process without a major re-lapse (has Borderline Personality Disorder & a history of severe self harm) & cleaning & packing up the house to move, the kids & I finally arrived in Port Macquarie from Maitland on Fri evening!!!

Our furniture arrived on intact on Sat & I've now unpacked all the essentials & started to explore the town.

Looking forward to embracing the beautiful landscape here & reconnecting with Nature (& myself!)

I must admit I think the effects of the last surgery (wide re-excision) are just catching up with me though as my breast is still very sore & tender (which I didn't experience with the previous 2 surgeries) despite my scars healing well.  I feel like I've already been through Radiation therapy - which is yet to come!

Any recommendations on what to see & do in Port Macquarie with a 16yr & 14yr old during these school holidays would be most welcome !!



  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi Mel, Congratulations on surviving your move. I always look at the local websites to find out what's going on... So for Port Macquarie try                           hopefully  they should have some good things. Have fun exploring. Xx Cath
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Awesome to hear the move went well... you are a legend and we are here for you enjoy the new home and surrounds and what a great time to move when the  school holidays are on .. 
    Soldier Crab

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Congrats on the move. Only suggestions I have might be take the kids to the movies. I see there are a few they might like during the hols. Lately I have been doing jigsaw puzzles (it focuses my mind and exercises my lymphedema arm) and its infectious with my kids and hubby all stopping by to put a piece or a few in. Simple but honest fun. :)
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Great News Mel! 

    Glad youre moved and all settled, I havent been to Port Macquarie since I was a kid, but I loved it there! I love that you mentioned connecting with nature and most importantly yourself. Strangely this is the same combination that has helped me enormously in my recovery. :smiley: Melinda xo
  • Melhay
    Melhay Member Posts: 157
    Thanks so much for your replies Mel, Cath, Brenda & Soldier Crab.
    I'm determined to try & make the most of this new move & in the process hopefully create some happier memories for us as a family!
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Mel, I think you are absolutely amazing!  Port Macquarie is a beautiful place and I'm sure it will give you the perfect environment to relax and heal with your family.   Jane x