Minor accident leaves me worried

Nadi Member Posts: 619
edited August 2016 in Day to day

Hi all. Two and a half weeks ago I had a fall. I was actually trying to catch my elderly Dad who was falling and ended up on the ground myself. No broken bones but I hurt both knees, right wrist and shoulder. The shoulder injury is bothersome and kind of a re-injury as I had a full thickness tear of the rotator cuff last year (after another - this time spectacular with an olympic rating of 10 out of 10 - fall). So I have had to give walking on my elliptical a break because of my knees and am now restricted in my arm movements because of my shoulder which makes dressing myself and washing/brushing my hair a challenge.

Three days ago I was massaging all round my shoulder and then I happened to touch my armpit. I nearly jumped out of my skin from a painful spot. Not completely sure if it is a lymph or not although there is a small lump like a usual lymph. Anyway it is very sore to touch but I don't notice it when I don't touch it. I wonder whether it could be related to the shoulder injury.

I mentioned it to hubby who suggested I go see a doctor which I really do not want to do. I have lost confidence in both my oncologist and my GP which is really sad, and I just don't want to rock up with yet another thing wrong with me. And yet I was thinking about it all last night and didn't get much sleep.

I have a referral for an ultrasound and mammogram for October which is my 1 year cancerversary. Part of me thinks maybe I should just go get that done now so I don't worry. Another part of me says the chance of it being anything sinister is really low so I should just wait to see if it improves - afterall it has only been noticeably sore for 3 days.

To reassure me, I was just wondering if others have heard the saying "if your breast (or lymphs) are sore it means that it isn't cancer?"

Decisions are really difficult for me at the moment. Any advice would be appreciated.



  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    edited August 2016

    Hi Nadine,

    Having the lump checked will put your mind at rest - if it is an infection then antibiotics will give you peace of mind - if not, it is better to know straightaway.  Can you bring your annual checkup forward by 7 weeks? I would also tell your GP/MO that you are losing confidence  in the process and ask them to suggest someone you could talk to such as a breast care nurse. You don't need any extra anxiety.

    I hope your father is okay again.  Big hug.   Michelle x

  • Leila34
    Leila34 Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2016

    I think the not knowing is the worst (for me), best to get it checked and move on. Hugs xx

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    edited August 2016

    I had the same sort of thing for a good week or so. I thought it might have been from jiggling in the car during a long several hours driving which annoyed my nipple. The breast got sore as did the node beside it. I left it a week but did careful massage and took Panadol. It disappeared after a week but I have noted it and will bring it up with my next physio appointment or oncology visit next time I go.

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    edited August 2016

    Nadi - better safe than sorry!  Get it checked and it will give you peace of mind!

    Take care

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited August 2016

    People often say if a breast lump hurts it isn't  cancer but we both know that isn't  true.  It may well be just an inflammed node but I wouldn't think this would be usual after a fall. Maybe it is damage to the area of your lymph treatment after the fall. A mammogram won't  show this. I think really you need an ultrasound to check it out. You could wait a week and do it if not settled...that is up to you. But if not sleeping...well....you know what you have to do...and we all get it,  fed up with Drs and the process. Take care. Kath x

  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited August 2016

    Hi sorry to hear you have hurt yourself trying to save your dad, it is a instinct to try and save. If you are not sleeping worrying go see your doc, I agree with the other ladies sometimes the not knowing and the worry of the what is is worse, get it  checked xx

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    edited August 2016

    hi Nadi 

    I had a swelling under my side I had clearance done and I was like OMG not again ..... I was terrified about seeing GP?oncologist ... or not seeing them.... I finally after a sleepless night when and saw GP ... it was an infection in my lymph nodes that were left.... antibiotics and it was gone in a few days... 

    when we are stressed we really need to choose what is going to undo our stress as it is not healthy to be stressed etc... 

    Tell you GP/ Oncologist you are losing faith in the process.... ask to get some extra support ie counsellor breast care nurse and take control of it. you have a right to feel in control.

    Hugs and energy 

    Alice aka Soldier crab


  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    edited August 2016

    Hi Nadine, what I actually am writing for is to find out if after your Olympic gold medal performance you tried to throw both of your arms up in the air gymnastic style??? I think when something like that happens a loud yell of Ta-daaaaaa is mandatory just to take ownership. ;-)  I personally think you should be checked unless during the three days you have noticed any kind of improvement??? (Does not unfortunately include wishful thinking!!) Even a phone call to your breast care nurse or the dreaded visit to the gp - better than fretting!! I know from personal experience that my tumor hurt and that is how I discovered it!! I believe you must be a super Olympian in disguise - coming to the rescue of your dad!!! Crossing fingers that you've pulled a muscle.

     Let us know what you decide and all the best Xx Cath

  • Melhay
    Melhay Member Posts: 157
    edited August 2016

    Hi Nadine

    Sounds like you need to put your mind at ease & get it checked it out sooner rather than later, especially if you're losing sleep over it! I found a lump in my breast last year & put off going to the Dr for months because I was 'too busy' supporting my teen daughter who had severe mental health issues at the time. That lump turned out to be breast cancer. Your health & well being should always be your 1st priority! 


  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    edited August 2016

    Thanks Melhay and everyone. Your experiences prompted me to be proactive. Had the mammogram and ultrasound. All good. No detectable masses or micro calcifications but a muscle tear from my fall. But best of all a kind of peace has come over me since I got the results. While I am still having Herceptin until Dec or Jan next year, I feel like I can finally get on with my life. I guess because the results have made me feel like there is nothing hanging over me. Now I can really put this behind me.

    Thanks everyone


  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    edited August 2016

    Don't know how much of a superhero I am if I ended up on the ground as well!!!! I got checked and all is good now at least cancer wise - have to have physio for the shoulder though. Phew such a relief.

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited August 2016

    Glad it was nothing sinister and wish you a speedy recovery. And yeah on being cancer free.

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    edited August 2016

    So pleased for you!  Take care from Christine xx

  • Melhay
    Melhay Member Posts: 157
    edited August 2016

    That's great news! Not that having a muscle tear is a walk the park & must be quite painful - but it's a better than it being something related to the breast cancer  :)  

    Mel xx

  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    edited August 2016

    Nadine, Congratulations on working up the courage to face your fears and still go ahead and get your tests done!! So excellent and even better that it is not cancer related. Hoping that your treatment helps your armpit quickly and that both you and your dad (and mum) have a prolonged fall free period. Xx Cath 

    PS - Even if you ended up on the ground I still class it as a superhero effort !!