Just starting !

AdrienneSands Member Posts: 60
edited July 2016 in Newly diagnosed

I have only just been diagnosed with ductile carcenoma just under 2cm in size. 

I will be having a wide area excision and then a sentinal node autopsy within the next month. 

Im hearing a lot of words and descriptions that I havent heard before and not too sure what they all mean. I guess that this will all come soon enough. 

As I have the HER3 Protein I understand that my chemo will go for about 12 months. Im pretty freaked out about that as it seems such a long time.

This is only the beginning and I have around 4 weeks of normality before my life will change. 

Scarry times 




  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited June 2016

    Hi Adrienne. ..welcome to the site. The beginning is scary and so much info to take in.

    I too have a her2 cancer (mine is also estrogen +) and was a grade 3, just ubder 2 cm. I had surgery 1st...I chose a mastectomy. ..and had a sentinal node biopsy. They inject a radioctive dye near the tumour area and track the nodes nearest this...this is how they choose which to remove. I only had 3 removed...but they might take less or more depending on how close they are. If any positive then they remove more in a different surgery.

    The chemo part of my treatment is 6 months. The Herceptin. ..which they give you to prevent further her2 cell changes is for 12 months,  starts about halfway through your chemo treatment.

    I am sure you will have many more questions. I hope you have ordered the "My journey kit" through this site. It is very helpful...as are many of the readings available here.

    Hope all goes well. Kath x

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    edited June 2016

    Get on to the place where you had the mammogram and ask them for the local McGrath nurse contact details. They are high level nurses who know all the ins and outs of breast cancer and can help you when you aren't quite sure of some things.

  • Bluewren
    Bluewren Member Posts: 91
    edited June 2016

    Hi Adrienne, yes it is very scary. I too cried and cried when I found out I had a 15mm right breast cancer and the result was surgery wide excision and lymph node biopsy. I still cry at times. There is so much support out there to help you on this journey. I think I am lucky I had that mammogram and treatment started early. The breastcare nurse is a wonderful help and so caring. Try to take one step at a time. When you have one thing done then .that's over now for the next. Stay positive and remember  everyone s case is different but we are all trying to get through this bad dream. Sending lots of hugs.xx

  • AdrienneSands
    AdrienneSands Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2016

    thanks for your reply . Im sure I was told that I have the HER3  enzyme? 

    I have ordered the kit and Im sure it will be here is a few days. 

    thank you for your good wishes :)


  • AdrienneSands
    AdrienneSands Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2016

    Hello Brenda5

    Sadly there are no McGrath nurses in my area. :(



  • AdrienneSands
    AdrienneSands Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2016

    Thank you Bluewren.

    Yes it is so scary and Im still teary too. I have a new grandbaby due in the next few weeks so am worried about having chemo and being able to hold baby.

    Im sure I will get all my questions answered as they come up.

    thanks again - Adrienne

  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    edited June 2016

    Hi Adrienne

    it's hard to believe but there will come a time when it will all  seem a long time ago. Don't concentrate too much on what's a year ahead ( I had a year of Herceptin with no side effects), keep your energy for the here and now.

    Your feelings are normal but little by little most of us adjust to this new reality, and bit by bit we cope. Lots of people here and wherever you have treatment to advise and share tips.

    Write things down or get them in writing so you can read or clarify when you have time and inclination. There's a lot to take in. Have someone with you if you can for appointments about treatment, so they can help remember all the details. 

    Very best wishes



  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited June 2016

    Do uou have a vopy of your pathology. If not it msy be goodcto get it. I have my biopsy and finsl one which shoeed a different grade. I don't  think there is a her3 breast cancer. But thought it might be her2 grade 3. It's  a lot to take in at the beginning.

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited June 2016

    Public hospitals usually have a breast care nurse anyway...not mcgrath nurses. So do check the clinic where you saw your Dr.

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited June 2016

    I just did more research and there definately is a Her3 and even a Her4 breast cancer...most sites don't  discuss it. Looks like there is a targeted therapy just for this too...but diff from herceptin I believe. You'll  have to educate us on it once you know more.

    I found a professional paper on it...but it is hard reading.


    Kath ??

  • AdrienneSands
    AdrienneSands Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2016

    Thanks AFraser

    Im lucky that I have a very supportive hubby and I think I will buy a small book and start writing down questions and thoughts. 

    thanks again :)


  • AdrienneSands
    AdrienneSands Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2016

    Ok I will do. I have a friend who is a nurse so I will ask her .


  • AdrienneSands
    AdrienneSands Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2016

    Thanks for doing that research for me but I think it might be all a bit much to take in yet. I will ask the questions again when I see my surgeon when he does his thing. I will have a 3-4 week gap before starting my chemo so can ask all those questions then I think. 

    Just now I am trying to still get my head around it all :)

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited June 2016

    Good idea. I am in nursing and most of it was gobbledygook to me. Basically similar to a her2 cancer just slightly different protein and targeted therapy. Keep writing down questions you want answered before the appointment. ..it helps. Kath x

  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    edited July 2016

    Hi Adrienne,

    Scary times indeed!! Also bewildering, confusing and totally numbing!!

    You have done yourself a huge favour in joining this site as the ladies here are such a fantastic knowledge base, support team and cheer squad!!! If there are terms you do not understand or have forgotten to ask about (sometimes your appointment time flys past and you realise you haven't gotten any of the answers that you started out seeking) , the ladies here will endeavour to assist you.

    Just take time to breathe and remember that this is all for a fantastic purpose - your health and well being!

    Wishing you all the best on your journey. Take care Xx Cath